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Harry Potter was on his way towards Hogwarts for his 8th year. Despite the fact that Harry didn't want to go and wanted to start his dreams as an auror, Hermonie convinced him that it was probably needed. 

Harry sat on the train with Ron, Hermonie, and Ginny. Harry and Ginny had broken up on mutual terms. She realized that she needed more time to be single, and Harry was still figuring out his sexuality, which Ginny didn't know. Surprisingly enough, Ginny was the one to talk about breaking up to Harry.

Hermonie looked ecstatic to be on the Hogwarts train again. She was already ready to be going back to school and learning. Harry was becoming used the stares and whispers as the people around him walked past. Even though everyone in the compartment was comfortable with each other, they remained quiet. Ron was holding hands with Hermonie and Ginny looked over and grinned at him. Ginny and Harry had decided that after the break up they would still be friends, and nothing about that promise had changed, nor been broken. 

They all felt the train slow, and everyone got up to quickly change do to the fact that they forgot to put the robes on. Once they were finished, Harry turned around to look at Hedwig before remembering that she died. Harry had started out his year back at Hogwarts with a sad thought. Typical Potter.

Harry, Ron, Hermonie, and Ginny all made their way up to Hogwarts, glancing at the boats that carried the first years. There seemed to be a lot less of the first years. 

Once they got inside and sat at the Gryffindor table, Harry prepared himself to watch the sorting. The hat was slightly burnt from Voldemort, but it still carried on. Throughout the next 15 minutes, first years got sorted.




The familiar voice of the sorting hat called out all of the houses. Every time the hat called out Slytherin, many of the kids looked disappointed or even winced. Many of them looked at Harry as they walked towards the table. Harry gave each of them reassuring smiles.

After the sorting and dinner, Headmaster McGonagall led them all up towards their new corridors. She explained to them that each room would hold two people, and many of them wouldn't be in the same house.

They made their way past each room as two students went into the rooms.

"This room is Harry's and... I'm going to have to find out who made the room arrangements. Harry and Draco's room."

Harry and Draco glanced at each other, Was planning to protest but at the look of complete and utter sadness on Draco's face, Harry changed his mind. He started walking towards the door. Draco didn't move, and his face changed to surprise when Harry turned around and asked him, 

"Well are you coming or what, Malfoy?"

Draco moved towards the door and Harry went inside, turning around and looking at the expression on Ron's face. Harry just gave him a grin and shrugged.

They entered the room and saw that one of the beds has Slytherin colors on it, and the other had Gryffindor colors.

"Why didn't you ask to change it?" Draco asked Harry with a look of suspicion on his face.

"You saved my life last year, and I figured its time to try and get over our rivalry. But only if you promise to stop calling Hermonie a mud blood."

Draco looked suspicious but nodded. 

"I changed my views on mudblo-muggleborns since last year. I won't say anything to Granger."

Harry and Draco agreed, but neither of them really trusted the other. Harry just decided that he was tired of fighting.

The rest of the room had two windows, one on Harry's side, and the other on Draco's side. Harry looked over at Draco multiple times since he started unpacking. He had gotten taller and a lot skinnier but somehow looked amazing. His white hair was slicked back and short. He looked good in his robes, and Harry could not stop looking over.

"Do I have something on me or what?"

"What do you mean?"

"You keep looking over and staring at me. What is it? Are you regretting the choice to stay in the room with me?" Draco's voice cracked at the last few words. He hoped Harry had not, because he knew that most other people would not want to talk to him, let alone room with him.

"No, no. No reason." Harry, for some reason, started tripping up around Draco. He noticed how Draco had grace in everything he did.

Draco raised his eyebrows at him, but finished unpacking around the time Harry did. They both sat on the beds in awkward silence. Finally, Harry broke the silence.

"Do you want to play truth or dare?" Harry asked himself, mentally slapping himself. Why would Malfoy want to play that with him? Could he not think of anything else?

"Sure." Draco said.

So I will write the next chapter soon! I know some things I want to write in though. ;)

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