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Harry and Draco once again woke up intertwined. They were still holding hands, but they were back to back. Once Harry woke up, he turned around and snuggled against Draco, knowing that he wasn't awake yet. Hopefully, once Draco woke up, he wouldn't want to talk about last night. Hopefully he wasn't mad. Harry didn't know how he felt, or how he wanted to feel. He just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Harry?" Draco mumbled.


"What time is it?"

"Let me check.. Crap! Its 7:50."

Draco got out of bed at the same time as Harry. They quickly changed into their robes and found that once they were ready, it was only 7:55. Harry mustered all of the courage he could manage and asked Draco a question he had been wanting to ask.

"Hey, Draco. I was just wondering if maybe.. You would want to go out or something? I don't really know if you are straight but.."

"Look, Harry..." Draco started.

Harry braced himself or whatever Draco was about to say.

"I don't really know what's going on but I don't think that we should probably.. um.. I don't know how to put this. It's just, my father wouldn't approve and I don't want any more hate than I already get.."

"Right. Ya. I get it. Its cool." Harry said without emotion. He was extremely disappointed. He had hoped that Draco felt the same, but obviously he didn't. Harry made his way to get the door.

"Wait! I mean, I was just saying that maybe we should keep it quiet... Just for a while."

Harry smiled, "Ya, I'm ok with that. Are you sure?"

"Yes, geez Potter, you gave up so easily."

"Well I didn't want to bother you if you were straight.."

"You are so oblivious, we have slept in the same bed for the past two nights and kissed twice. I haven't exactly fought that, have I? Also I kissed you the first time."

"We were playing spin the bottle!"

"We didn't exactly keep the kiss to the bare minimum."

"Very true."

Harry checked the time, 7:58.

"We had better get going."

"Right! Let me grab my bag really quickly." Draco rushed and grabbed it.

He came over, kissed Harry, which took a little less than a minute, even though it wasn't intended to last that long, and left. They held hands until they got to a place where people were.

Once they got to the Dining Hall, they separated and went to their tables. 


The Gryffindors and Slytherins were paired for a jointed potions class, which Harry wanted to drop, but couldn't. Once he got into the room, Hermione and Ron were already paired, so he joined Draco at the table in the back. The new potions professor, Mrs. Davies, was much nicer than Snape was. 

Since nobody was behind Harry and Draco, nor could anyone see under the desks, they held hands. Once Mrs. Davies announced that they would be making the Beautification Potion, which erases all blemishes from the person drinking it, Harry cursed under his breath. He sucked at making potions. 

Luckily, Draco was next to him and was very smart with potions. Once they got started, Draco got in the zone and told Harry how he could help and how to add things, cut certain ingredients and smash others.

Once they were finished, their potion was doing well. It had to brew for two days, though.

Once class was over, it was their last class of the day. Harry and Draco made their way back to their room and worked on homework because they kept on talking to each other, and eventually that escalated to making out. Harry had gotten two essays done by the end of two hours. They headed down to the dining hall and yet again, broke apart.

Harry asked Ron and Hermione if they wanted to work in the Library after supper to work on their homework. Both of them agreed, neither of them had started on their homework because they were 'hanging out' together.

Once they finished working in the Library, all three of them were tired. It was 10:00 because, even after they finished their homework at 8:00, Hermione insisted that they stay after and study more, even though they wouldn't have their first test for the next two weeks.

Harry headed back to his bedroom and was exhausted. Once he got back, Draco was laying on his bed. The Gryffindor changed quickly, then he plopped down on the bed, and immediately snuggled with Draco. They both fell asleep quickly.

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