Their First Day.

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Harry finally made his way back to his room after the long day of classes. He enjoyed being back at Hogwarts, but was not grateful for the homework.

Harry did a lot of his homework before Draco walked in.

"How was your day?" Harry asked as Draco walked in.

"It was alright, how was yours?" 

"It was good. It's nice being back here."


They talked for a while after that about their various classes. Eventually Harry walked over and sat next to Draco on his bed.

"So about last night.." Harry said, staring at the floor.


"Would you-um-want to continue doing that?" Harry said bravely.

"That would be great actually." Draco said. Harry looked up, surprise on his face.

"Good." Harry said awkwardly.

After that, they returned to the conversation about how badass Professor McGonagall is.


After a while of studying together, they found that is was time for dinner. They got up and left the room, while both of them wanted to stay and continue talking.

They broke apart once they got to the dining hall and they both went to their tables.

Harry plopped down next to Neville (Who seemed to keep to himself this year despite the fact that he was happy.) He sat across from Hermione and Ron.

Ron, Harry, Neville, and Hermione made conversation about their days. Ron seemed to loose the awkwardness and they were chatting as best friends again. Neville talked about Herbology a lot of the time, and Hermione listened intently. She knew that Neville was very smart with Herbology and she listened for any tricks that would help her.

After dinner, Hermione, Ron, and Harry planned to hang out in the common room together so that they could study. Ron rolled his eyes about the fact that they were already studying on their first day, but Hermione gave him a lecture about keeping up. Harry was happy he didn't make any comments, despite the fact that Ron gave him looks that looked like he was pleading for help.

Once Hermione was done, they left the dining hall and went to the common room. Hermione started talking about DADA and Harry was happy to study and work for that class. Harry practiced a few simple stunning spells which, of course, went perfectly.

Harry and Hermione were in a conversation about DADA when Draco walked into the room. Immediately, Harry thought about inviting him to study with them, but thought better of it at the scowl on Ron's face.

"Hey Harry." Draco said as we walked passed and into his room. He tried to smile at Ron but Ron didn't budge. Fortunately, when he smiled at Hermione, she smiled politely back.

"Hey Draco." Harry said in response. He went back to working. Once Draco went back to his room, Harry spoke to Hermione.

"Thanks for being polite." She shrugged and went back to reading the book she was referring to for her essay. Harry said nothing to Ron.

They finished all of their homework. After talking for a while, they went back to their rooms. 

Harry made his way back to his room and saw Draco sitting on his bed and working on his essay.

Once he finished up his essay, which only took a moment, Harry shut the door to announce his presence.

"Oh, hey Harry. Did you finish your homework with Granger and Weasley?"

"Ya, did you finish your homework?"

"Yes, I finished my last paper as soon as you walked in."

"Oh, good."

After that, they talked for a while. 

"So how are Zabini and Parkinson?" Harry asked.

"Blaise is fine, Pansy on the other hand, not so much."

"Whats wrong with her?"

"Well, I'm not really supposed to talk about it."

"Oh, I get that."

"How about Granger and Weasley?" 

"They're fine. They are much happier than they were last year."

"Aren't we all." Draco said as a statement.

Harry checked the time and realized that it was almost 12 at night.

"We should probably get to bed."


Harry got up and awkwardly made his way over to Draco's bed.

"Do you still want to.."

"Oh, uh ya."


Harry laid next to him and turned out the lights. They turned to face each other.

"Im sorry about Ron earlier."

"Nah, I get it. He has a right to hate me."

Harry looked directly into Draco's eyes and did something he didn't think he would do. He kissed him. Passionately. To Harry's surprise, after a moments hesitation, Draco kissed back with equal force.

They broke apart and Harry merely said, "Goodnight Draco."

"Goodnight Harry."

Harry closed his eyes and grabbed Draco's hand. They linked their hands together and fell asleep like that.

YAY! Next chapter will be even more fun! 

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