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After a while of talking, the pair went to bed. They both reflected on their feelings on each other before they went to sleep.


Harry awoke to a yelling in his room. On instinct, he grabbed his wand and jumped out of bed. He pulled on his glasses. 

Harry saw Draco thrashing on the bed and went over to him. Harry hoped that when Draco woke up, he wouldn't be embarrassed. He had nightmares all the time.

Harry grabbed Draco and talked to him, trying to wake him up.

"Draco." He said calmly, "Wake up, its ok." 

Draco calmed down a bit and opened his eyes to see Harry sitting next to him on his bed. Draco's forehead had drips of sweat coming down it, and it mixed with his tears. He sat up and sobbed. Harry didn't know what to do, but he felt like he should comfort him, so he rubbed his back and eventually put his arm over his shoulders.

Once Draco calmed down he looked at Harry.

"Im sorry, that happens sometimes."

"Nah, its cool. In fact, if you hadn't woke me up I probably would have done the same. We've both seen things that we shouldn't of. Do you want to talk about it?"

Draco studied the brown haired boy. His hair was messy and he seemed tired, but his smile was warm and he seemed sincere so Draco convinced himself to talk about it.

"After I didn't identify you at the manor, I didn't just get told to be more careful next time. Aunt Bella used crucio on me.. a lot. After a while, I just wanted to die. I hoped that hewhomustnotbenamed would kill me. But they didn't and here I am." Draco said sadly. "So I have nightmares about it a lot. That kinda thing sticks with you."

"Im so sorry Draco, I didn't even think about that."

"It didn't happen as much when someone slept next to me. I guess im going to have to get used to sleeping alone. I just can't stop thinking about how my mom screamed when I was in pain..."

"Im sorry. I sleep better when someone else is there too. It didn't happen a lot, but occasionally, Ginny had nightmares and would sleep next to me. I got the best sleep those nights, we never did anything though."

Both Draco and Harry had the same crazy thought, but neither of them said anything about it, they wanted to sleep next to each other. Both of them didn't say anything about it due to the fear of sounding weird though, so they sat in silence. Harry started drawing circles on Draco's back and arm absentmindedly. Draco didn't say anything about it so that Harry wouldn't stop doing it.

Finally, Harry got up the courage to say something that was close to what he was thinking.

"Do you want me to lay down with you until you go to sleep?" Harry realized how dumb that sounded after he said it, and hoped that Draco didn't find it weird. Draco seemed to find the question surprising, and Harry cursed himself mentally.

To Harry's surprise Draco said, "If you want to."

Harry didn't want to make him uncomfortable so he said, "You sure?"


So both of the boys laid down, it was awkward at first, but both of them eventually got more comfortable. Neither one of them touched each other very much, but they were comfortable. 


The boys woke up snuggled together. Harry was the little spoon and Draco was the big spoon. Their arms were intertwined as well. Both of them woke up around the time that the other did, but neither of them knew that the other was awake, so neither of them did anything to change the position that they were in. To tell the truth, both of the boys enjoyed laying like that. Eventually, Harry noticed that it was 7:45 and that he should get ready for breakfast. 

"Draco?" He said quietly, even though he didn't want him to wake up.

"Yeah?" He answered before realizing that he was supposed to be asleep.

"How long have you been awake?" 

"A few minutes. I didn't want to wake you up."

Harry got up and started to put his robes on. Neither of them talked about the position that they woke up in nor the night before. Both of them wanted to sleep in the same bed again, but again, neither of them said anything about it.

Once they were both ready at 7:57, they looked at each other and went for the doorknob before Harry stopped.

"Wait! I forgot my book." Harry grabbed his potions book and walked over to the door, hesitating to grab the handle.

"What?" Draco asked.

"Nothing. I um-never mind." Harry said as he grabbed the doorknob and left the room. 

They made their way down to the dining hall while laughing and talking. Once they entered the room, they realized they had to move apart and said their awkward goodbyes.

Harry, Hermione and Ron all talked about their nights, and Harry left out a lot of details. He did, however, bring up the fact that he and Draco were friends.

"Are you kidding! Something has to be wrong with you." Ron said.

"Hey! Quit it Ron!" Hermione said with a slap on the knee. "I, on the other hand, think that you and Draco should become friends. Im sure that you will both benefit with a new friendship. Draco seems lonely."

They talked about other things after that, and Harry and Hermione silently agreed that they would stick up for Draco.

Hey! So I wanted to make sure that Hermione was portrayed as forgiving in this and made sure that it was clear that Draco was affected by the war as well. Also, cute drarry snuggles so...

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