you just moved, at the moment you were in your room setting everything up you put your iPhone in the dock and put happy by pharall Williams. people hated it but it was your favorite song you started dancing to it jumping around when you slipped and fell. thinking of how stupid you could have looked you burst out laughing you got up.
and put even louder and sang it while you put up your posters when your sister walled in "need help" she asked you nodded. she danced with you as you put up your posters,she both turned and bumped into each other you both laughed on the floor. you looked out your window and see like a really cute boy staring at you getting up you both go to the balcony you had attached to your room.
"Hiya" you say "Hi" he says "i just moved here" i say then two more boys emerge from behind him "well I'm shawn these are my friends Matt and Nash" he says they wave. "I'm (y/n) this is my sister (y/s/n)" you say "(Y/N)" you look down and see your mom "yes" you ask. "i need your help down here" she asks "can i jump off the balcony" you slowly ask she huffs "yes hurry" she says you smile. "well it was nice meeting you" you say "how about we meet up at the park tomorrow" Shawn asks you blush "sure see you then" you say. you go in the change and you swore you could hear him say 'she's really pretty'.