Chapter 8- Revenge

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I Wobbled My Way Up To The Front Door And Rung The Doorbell.

I Was Now 8 Months Pregnant And My Back Has Started Killing Me.

It's Been Rough Going Through This Entire Pregnancy Alone.

I Missed My Appointment Trying To Take Care Of Genesis While He Was Sick So I Don't Know What I'm Having.

"Well Well Well didn't think you were gonna show up" Symone said opening the door for her to come in

She Smiled A Sinister Smile Before She Shut The Door.

"I thought we could talk over some lunch ya know I mean we're both pregnant" she said making her way to the kitchen where there were premade burritos, chips, and she grabbed us some apple juices out of the refrigerator

"See me and Siah-"

"I know he already told me" I said cutting her off taking a sip of my apple juice

"I'm so sorry" she said frowning with fake sympathy


"Yea um Can I use your bathroom ??" I asked.

I REALLY Had To Pee.

"Yea it's the first room on the right" she pointed

I Made My Way To The Bathroom And Locked The Door. Man It's Hard Being Pregnant Always Having To Pee.


Symone Peeked Over Into The Hall To Make Sure Cataleena Wasn't Coming And Quickly Grabbed Her Drink Mixing Flunitrazepam And Clonidine In It Making A Dangerous Poison.

Cat Washed Her Hands And Came Back Out Sitting Back In Her Seat She Took A Bite Of The Burrito And Sipped Some Of Her Apple Juice.

Symone Watched Her Intensely.

"Ya know I'm not pregnant with Siah's baby" she said putting her apple juice down

"Oh really" Cat said taking another sip of her apple juice

"No actually I'm pregnant by my new boyfriend. Jared." She said half smiling

"But I know you're pregnant by him. Well...not for long" she said letting out a bitter laugh

"W-what ??" Cat was confused

She Took Another Sip Of Her Drink Trying To Calm Herself.

Her Throat Started To Tighten.

She Was Feeling Drunk And Sleepy At The Same Time.

She Heaved Harshly Trying To Catch Her Breath.

She Got Up From The Table Almost Falling Over.

"Oh honey, you don't look so well" Symone said laughing like a mad man

"You dumb bitch" she laughed

"You actually thought I wanted to make peace with you ?? Keep dreaming" she scoffed

She Fell Into Walls Literally Having To Drag Her Feet But She Made It Out The Door And To Her Car.

Her Vision Was Blurry And She Was Seeing Three Of Everything But She Had To Get Away
From This Psycho She Once Called A Friend.

She Drove Down The Road Blinking Rapidly Trying To Get Her Eyes To Focus. She Stopped At The Stop Sign For A Few Minutes Her Vision Was A Bit Clearer Now.

She Pulled Around The Corner.
A Big Monster Truck Was Coming Her Way At Lightning Speed. She Tried To Move Out Of The Way But It Was Too Late. The Truck Hit Her Head On. The Car Flipped Over 6 Times And Landed In Someone's Yard Upside Down.

All She Heard Was
"Oh my god is someone in there ??" Before Everything Went Black.

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