14. The End

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    Time seemed to drag and whiz past too fast at the same time, and Souda felt like he was trapped in a paradox, both terrified and excited to finally get this whole situation over with, it had been far more emotionally taxing than he had ever thought it could be.

     He waited anxiously in his seat, hunched over his notebook as if he was frantically scribbling notes, when really he was just waiting for everyone else to leave the room, and praying that no one else would come bother him today. He wanted to stall for time, if only for a little while. He could argue that he just wanted to organise his thoughts, but there wasn't anything much going on up there, his mind was just blank with worry. All he knew was he had some serious social engineering to do.

     Once everyone had left the room, he very reluctantly tidied away his things, before awkwardly shuffling out of the room. As he journeyed through the school, he found his eyes searching up and down the halls, hoping to catch Gundham alone, perhaps lingering somewhere, away from everyone else, but he was disappointed.

      Reluctantly he pushed out of the school doors, the wide path stretched ahead, leading up to the gate at the far end, flanked by row upon row of cherry blossom trees.

      Stood only a few trees down was the one and only Sonia Nevermind, and leaning against the tree on the other side, hiding half behind his scarf, was Gundham Tanaka.

     Kazuichi took a deep breath and started forwards, as did both Sonia and Gundham.

     "Oh? Gundham, you're here for his answer, too?" Sonia smiled when she realized that Gundham too had been waiting for Kazuichi, it simply hadn't occurred to her that they could be waiting for the same person.

     "In fact, I think there are other matters I must discuss with the mortal," Gundham looked at her cautiously as he pushed himself off from the tree, and the two just stood in front of Kazuichi, like three points of a triangle.

      "C-Can you give us a minute, M-Miss Sonia?" Kazuichi stuttered nervously, pulling at the collar of his jumpsuit.

     "Actually, I cannot," Sonia said, eyes wide and serious, and Kazuichi nearly leapt back as she leered forwards. "Now that the three of us are here, we have some serious issue to discuss..!"

     "Like the fact that you forced your lips upon my mortal?" Gundham cut Sonia off with a piercing glare, and she blinked, shrinking back.

     "Is there a problem with that?" She smiled innocently, and Kazuichi's eyes were practically bulging out of his head.

     "Indeed there is-"

      "Actually," Sonia interrupted him with that same smile.  "I think you'll find that yours and Kazuichi's relationship was never that meaningful,"

      The two boys stared at Sonia as she gave a soft half shrug, as if it were obvious, and Kazuichi's gut clenched at the thought that Sonia had somehow found out about the bet. There's no way, surely...

       "What are you trying to say...?!" Gundham boomed, slowly raising his voice against Sonia, something previously unheard of, this scene was like something out of a trashy romance novel, and Kazuichi could barely believe something so cliché was happening right before his very eyes.

     "Well, there's obviously some reason that Kazuichi agreed to go out with you, but I don't think romantic feelings were a factor," Sonia remained entirely innocent, expression completely passive despite the venom laced words she was dropping, as if it were any other conversation. 

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