1: An unexpected visitor

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Darks POV

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! I'm always out for business meetings with the other Ipliers. I never have time to just sit with Anti, we never get to cuddle or discuss our days anymore. As soon as I sit down I get another phone call. Repeatedly I've gone to Anti then had to turn around again just because of a phone call. I sighed as I hung up the phone and walked out to the living room where Anti was sitting in the couch. I was supposed to be there for him. I know too much about his past and the struggles he went through. And I know he has some pretty rough days. And on one of those days I had to go to a meeting. His hair was a mess and he had been crying for hours. I sighed and walked past him into the kitchen. The least I could do was make him some food.

I was taking the pasta out of the oven when he hugged me from behind." Do you have to go?" I could hear the sorrow in his voice and it broke my heart. I wanted to stay with him but these meetings were important. I kinda wished the Iplier meetings were like the septiceyes. Their were in the morning when everyone was still asleep. I wish the ipliers could be like that so me and Anti could get home around the same time." I'm sorry Anti, but I have to." I handed him the bowl of pasta and he sighed walking to the couch.

I sighed as I grabbed my bag and opened the door." I love you Anti." He looked at me with a mouth full of pasta." Love ya too." I smiled at his goofiness as I walked out the door. At least there was some joy to my day.

Antis POV

I sighed as Dark walked out closed the door. I didn't finish my pasta I just poured it in the trash. I wasn't that hungry anyway. I know Dark loves me, but he's always gone and we never get to spend time together. I tried to call Chase since he's usually who I talk to while Darks gone but it went straight to voicemail." He must be with Stacy." I sighed and leaned back in the couch." Maybe I can sleep while he's gone." I was just about to fall asleep when I heard scratching on the door.

I jumped up off the couch and stood still. I waited until I heard it again. I grabbed my knife and started walking to the door. I opened it and swung my knife around. I stopped realizing I saw no one." Hello?" I froze and looked down. A little girl with black hair that ombré to brown stood looking up at me. She looked to be three or four and was staring at me with wide eyes. 

It wasn't until I looked a bit closer that I realized she had one blue eye and one brown eye. It was kinda funny since when me and Dark were in our human form I had blue eyes and he had brown eyes." Uh hi." We stood there for a few minutes before I put my knife away and bent down." What's your name." She just stared and me before looking at her stomach." I'm hungry." I laughed and stepped aside." Okay hungry, let's get you some food." She looked at me before stepping inside.

I closed the door and set my knife in the counter and looked in the fridge." Uh do you want some crackers?" I looked at her and she nodded. I smiled and set poured some out in a napkin before giving it to her. She happily took it  and started eating." Now let's try this again." I said pulling up a chair to sit next to her." What's your name." She swalled And pointed at herself." Hazel." I smiled and pointed at my self." Anti." She giggled which made me smiled." You is funny." I smiled  and looked to the door as it opened." Hey Dark." He walked in and glanced at Hazel, then me then back to Hazel." I'm confused." Hazel looked over at Dark and looked confused." He look weird." I laughed as I stood up and walked to Dark.

"So how did  the meeting go." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair." Boring as usual. I wish I could've just stayed home with you." I sighed and sat on the couch." Me too." Dark walked over to Hazel and stuck his hand out." I'm Dark, who are you." Hazel smiled and patted his hand." Hazel." Dark smiled and walked over to me." You got a lot of explaining to do." I actually dont, It's really simple, I heard scratching in the door went outside and saw her. She said she was hungry so I let her inside." Dark nodded and walked over to Hazel.

"Hey hun, where's your mom?" Hazel looked down in sadness and I instantly ran over and hugged her. I knew what it felt to be left alone, unwanted." Mommy left me here. She was upset at daddy and ran off. Daddy was mad and they fight. They then leave me here." I didn't even notice I was crying until a tear slipped down my check. Dark looked at me and nodded." Well Hazel your okay to stay here if you want." I was trying to sound strong and reassuring, but what Hazel said had brought horrible memories back." Dark, I'm gonna need a minute." He sadly looked at me before I walked to my room.

Darks POV

I smiled at Hazel and picked her up. She was really really light. A little too light if you asked me. I sat her down on the couch and sat next to her." So you wanna watch TV?" She shook her head and cuddled next to me." I wanna cuddle." I tensed up. It made me sad to think that this little girl could've gone through the same thing Anti went through." Okay how about we cuddle and watch Tv." Hazel bounced up and down in excitement. I laughed and turned in the TV trying to find something kid appropriate. I finally settled on Disney  and relaxed next to Hazel.

As we were watching Tv Anti walked back out into the living room. My heart hurt at the sight, his beautiful green and blue eyes were filled with tears and his cheeks were stained with them. He looked at me and Hazel and sat down next to me. He didn't cuddle or anything just sat. I couldn't take it. I had been away from him all day and need to spend time with him. I grabbed him and pulled him close to me. Hazel had fallen asleep on my lap so I pulled anti close to me and put my arm around him.

He eventually threw his arms around me and sobed into my shirt." I love you Anti, nothing can ever change that. Your the best thing that happened to me. Never doubt yourself, never think bad about yourself. I love you Anti, more than you know." Anti sniffed and looked up and me before kissing me. I kissed him back forgetting about Hazel for a moment until she patted my shoulder. We looked at her and she was confused." That's nasty. You two smooched." We laughed and all cuddled. As we fell asleep watching Disney movies.

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