7: Septiceyes

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Antis POV

Every once in a while all of us septiceyes would go out with each other. This time we decided to just go to the park and have a picnic." Jameson! Why do you only talk to Wilford!" Jackaboy-Man was trying to Jameson to talk but he just smiled staying silent." So Anti, how are you and Dark doing?" I smiled at Robbie's question." We're doing really good, we've been able to spend more time together recently." The others smiled. My smile faded as I saw Bing looking over somewhere." Bing you okay?" Bing looked at me in fear. I crawled over to him and looked where he was looking, my eyes widened." N-no way..." Chase said with wide eyes." But you killed Anti." I couldn't speak I just screamed when a bag was put over my head.


Darks POV

I glanced at the clock with Hazel in my lap." He should be home by now." My knee was bouncing up and down in fear. Hazel smiled at me." Daddy be okay." I smiled and gave her a small hug as my phone rang. I reached over and saw it was from the ipliers." Hello?" I heard heavy breathing on the other side." Do you know where the septiceyes are? Bim tried to call them earlier but none  of them would answer." Wilford said into the phone." N-no, Anti hasn't even come home yet." I heard panic on the other side of the phone." Do you know where they went today?" Bim asked." I believe they went to the park." The phone hung up and I knew what was going on. Hazel go put your jacket on, hurry." She nodded and ran over grabbing her jacket as I grabbed mine. We put our jackets on and ran out the front door." Get in." Hazel didn't even speak as she climbed in, putting herself in her car seat. I jumped in the front and took off without putting on my seatbelt.

I drove as fast as I could to the park and jumped out of the car. Hazel wasn't too far behind me as I spotted the other Ipliers." We've looked all over, their not here." I panicked as I looked around. Not again, please not again. I looked around and saw yellow police tape." Oh no..." I ran over with the others behind me." Sir what happened here!" The Officer turned to me." Well it seems that- woah!" I instantly realized I never changed to my human form." Okay ignore my appearance, what happened!" The Officer shook his head." I'm sorry but that information is confidential." Wilford stomped over to the man and grabbed his shirt." You listen here, my boyfriend was possibly captured so you are going to tell us what happened right now!" The Officer stepped back and gulped." Uh witnesses say that about seven green haired boys were attacked by these men in black suits."

I felt my heart start to speed up." W-where did the go?" The Officer shook his head." They said he just vanished leaving behind blue pixels." My heart dropped." It can't be..." google muttered. We walked away from the officer and looked a each other." Hes back." Hazel hugged my leg and I lifted her up." Host? Got anything?" Host was silent for a minute before speaking." Host is sorry to inform the others that he had no information on where the septiceyes might have been taken." I looked at Host and sadly nodded." Hey Guys?" We looked over at Yandere who was looking at a completely black van." Tha screams suspisous to me, Jim?" Reporter Jim said. I nodded as we made our way to the van. I looked in the window and saw no body. Wilford hummed before making the van shake a bit. When we heard quick screams I pulled on the door." Come on, open up." The back door flew open and I gasped. The septiceyes were all chained up. They all looked at us with wide eyes. The door slammed back shut and a man I thought I'd never see looked at us." Sorry, but their mine now."

I didn't even have time to react as he jumped in the car and sped away." They're...they're gone." Google just stared at the ground, Wilford broke down in tears, Bim sat down and hugged his knees to his chest, Yandere gave the Jim's a hug, Host kept a blank expression despite the tears rolling down his face, Dr. Ipliers has wide as just staring off into space,  and i fell to my knees." A-Anti." I tired to imagine his smiling face, but it kept going back to fear and sadness. Hazel came over to me and hugged me." Why can't i ever tell him, something bad always happens and imscared I'll never get the chance to tell him." Google muttered." I want to hold him and tell him how I feel, poor Jackaboy." Bim said rocking back and forth." I-I need him." Dr. Ipliers said sadly." Why! Why did they take him!" Wilford yelled hitting the ground.

I watched as Hazel stood up with a look on her face." We get them back." We all looked at Hazel." We can't sit and be sad, we need to help them." I looked at Hazel and hugged her." Your right Hazel, we have to help them." All of us slowly stood with a new expression, determination. The determination, to save the septiceyes.

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