3: Meeting the Egos

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Antis POV

So after Dark explained to me about his call with Wilford I finally calmed down." Still, she's only three, and she just met us." We both looked over to Hazel who was playing with a bowl of water." True, but she already seems to trust us. I mean she calls us Dada and Daddy." I sighed knowing he was right." Okay, but the second they scare her away I'm kicking them out." Dark laughed and nodded. I walked over to Hazel and sat down next to her. A little magic would hurt, right?" Hey Hazel wanna see something cool?" Hazel looked at me and nodded happily. I put my hands on the bowl and I'm seconds a fish glitched into it." Woah!" Hazel started looking at the fish as it did tricks to impress her." But how'd you do that?" I shook my head and laughed." It's a secret."

After a while the fish disappeared and Hazel was even more surprised." Daddy the fish is gone!" Dark walked over and sat on the other side of Hazel." What fish." Hazel pointed at the bowl." There was a fish in there!" Dark looked at my and I smiled." Is Daddy playing tricks on you?" Hazel nodded and laughed." Hey Hazel do you want to meet some of your uncles today?" Hazel happily smiled and jumped up and down." Yes, now me is gonna go potty." She started skipping off and Dark followed to make sure she didn't fall in the toilet. I sat in the floor alone and just watched the water in the bowl move around. Then there was a knock on the door." Already?" I walked over and looked out the window, but it was not the egos." Uh Dark, when you walk out can you be in human form please?" I heard a hum from the bathroom and just prayed he had heard me.

I slowly changed my eyes to blue, let me spiked teeth shrink, and brought a bit of colour to me skin. I then opened the door and smiled." I'm hello?" There was a nice lady who smiled." Hello my name is Samantha. I would like to ask do you have a kid in your house. We're going around checking because taxes have been changed due to the amount of people in a house." I froze hearing footsteps coming my way. Please don't bring Hazel with you. I sighed when I saw it was just Dark or Evan as he went by in human form." Nope no children here just me and this loser." I fakes a look of shock and he just smiled at me. Samantha smiled." Well nice to meet you two, I'll be in my way." She walked off and we both changed back right as Hazel came walking into the room.

"I can't believe you called me a loser." I said fake pouting." Oh relax ya big baby." He said walking over to the couch. The doorbell rang once again and I looked out the window, to see the egos." They're here." I sighed, Dark got up and walked over to Hazel." Now these people are very loud and might say some words you don't need to hear. Do you want to stay in Dada and Daddy's room until they leave?" Hazel seemed to think about  it before nodding. Dark smiled and took her up to our room. As Dark walked back I opened the door and we were ambushed by hugs of the egos." How ya been?" Wilford said while obviously trying to break my bones." Wil, can't breath." He laughed and let go of me.

"So how have you guys been? Have you fucked yet?" Wilford asked picking me and Dark. Both our faces turned bright red." N-no, not yet." Dark said giving me a devilish grin. I covered my face and sat on the couch." I'm just teasing ya!" Wil said going to get some food." Bing!" I ran over and hugged him as he walked trough the door." That scared the shit out of me." Bing said laughing." Wow didn't know you were one to cuss Bing." He laughed and shook his head." Well when it sacre the shit out of me Imma gonna say shit." We laughed and I hugged the other septiceyes that came in. Once all the egos were there I turned on some music." Let's party!"

Darks POV

I walked over and sat next to google as we watched Bing and Anti dance around obviously getting drunk." So, have you told him?" Google gave me a confused look before getting it." No I haven't." I put my drink down and pointed at the two." Those two are literal partners in crime. And so are we. Anti and Bing, Dark and Google. Then you got Anti and Dark dating, now you just need Google and Bing." Google sighed." But he thinks I'm too serious, if I told him how u feel he'd think it was a joke." I smiled and hugged him." Hey Dada?"

 I froze and turned around to see Hazel walking down the stairs. Everyone's gaze followed mine and Anti just looked at the ground." Daddy Why is everyone looking at me?" Now everyone wa spooking at Anti, and Anti who doesn't really like being looked at my hundreds of people seemed to just cave in on himself." Uh guys, this is Hazel. Hazel these are the Iplier and septiceyes." 

Hazel look at them and smiled." Oh, hi I Hazel." The egos made an Aww noise and smiled. Hazel walked over to me and hugged my legs." His is Dada." The egos looked at me eyes wide." And this is Daddy." She said hugging Antis legs." Dark, you and Anti..." Jackiboy started." Have a kid!" He finished happily jumping up and down. The other egos started to talk but because of how loud it was you really couldn't hear one specifically." Dada what does Fuck mean?" I glared at Wilford as he innocently smiled." You've corrupted my child." 

I glanced around and saw the Anti was just walking around talking to himself." And then I fucked a goat and she was all like what the shut man? Then I realized that it was a woman and I wa like wait, am I a cat?" I smiled and put my hand on Anti shoulder." Anti you are drunk." He looked at me confused." No I not, I'm aaaanti." He said smiling." Yep definitely drunk." I smiled and blew an air horn scaring the shit out of everyone." Okay it was nice to have a get together and talk for a while but now you gotsta go." The septiceyes who were all apparently drunk just smiled and walked out." See ya later!" Robbie said being the only one not drunk.

Google pushed the Ipliers out of the house and gave me an apologetic smile before leaving." Where's everyone go?" Anti said sitting in the couch still swaying a bit. Hazel laughed as she sat by Anti." They went home, and you are going to have one major hangover tomorrow." Anti laughed and smirked" night night darky." I smiled and just rubbed his head good night Anti.

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