Ready For Love

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Book cover by BluePrint04 .

It was 9:30 and I still wasn't done prepping my cases for tomorrow's court call. I was a public defender for the state and my case load was in actuality, too much for one person to handle. My days consisted of coming into the office at 7:00 am and not leaving till around ten. This left me no time for a social life. The only two places I had time for were my office and my bed.

Today was no different. I could barely keep my eyes open, as I looked through the fifty files on my desk. I begin to nod off until I heard singing. I blinked my eyes super hard; trying to make sure I wasn't dreaming. The singing was still there.

The person was singing India Arie's – Ready for Love. I checked my computer making sure I had logged out of my Pandora which was always tuned to the neo-soul station. It wasn't even up. Something is going on here. Nobody is usually at the office this late but me.

My heart begin to race, as I begin to run through all of the horrific scenarios that could happen. What if he's a singer murder? The voice was a male's voice from what I could hear. Although he sounded good, I didn't know his mental state. He could sing to his victims while slicing them alive. I know it seems far fetched, but working with criminals, the things that seem far-fetched actually happen in real life.

I took my stun gun out of the drawer in my desk, I always kept it there for safety because I did know, that I stayed at the office pretty late. But prayed to God, I'd never have to use it. I got up from my desk leaving my mountain high stack of files, and followed the voice.

I felt like a complete idiot, but hey, I'm trying to live to see tomorrow. At the opposite end of the hall, the lights to the women's washroom was turned on and the door was open. I saw a shadow moving on the wall, which indicated the person was in the washroom.

"God please let me live", I said a single prayer and swallowed hard as I walked slowly down the hallway. I'd walked this hallway a million times, but today  it seemed as though it was taking forever to get to the end.

Maybe you're not ready for me

Maybe you think I need to learn maturity

They say watch what you ask for
Cause you might receive

But if you ask me tomorrow
I'll say the same thin

A cleaning cart rolled from the washroom into the hallway hitting the wall. I was relieved a little bit, assuming it was a janitor, but I still wanted to check to make sure.

I am ready for love
Would you please lend me your ear?
I promise I won't complain
I just need you to acknowledge I am here

I finally reached the washroom door, I peered in and saw no one. I saw the door on the farthest stall away from the door move, and I stepped a little ways to see if I could see any one. I was able to catch a glimpse of someone in grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt . I looked in the mirror and it seemed he was pouring some blue liquid into the toilet.

I leaned against the edge of the sink. "Excuse me" I tried to get his attention. He ignored me and continued to sing. I could only see the back of his head, which was twisted in some god-forsaken nappy twisty things. He was overdue for a haircut.

"Sir" I cleared my throat. He ignored me but stood up straight and flushed the toilet.

If you give me half a chance

I'll prove this to you

I will be patient, kind, faithful and true

I finally got up enough courage to tap his back, making sure my stun gun was handy if he tried anything. He jumped and turned around, which made me jump and scream. He took the headphones out of his ears.

"Damn man, you was about to get shot. I thought I was the only one here," he laughed.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I thought the same thing."

There was an awkward moment of silence, like time stopped for a moment. Neither one of us moved, we just starred into each other's eyes.

Despite his hair, which irked me to my core, he was extremely attractive. I could tell he was young however. I was 30 and he looked no more than 18.

I mean his skin was too flawless. I would'nt have known he could grow hair on his face, if it wasn't for the puff of hair on his chin and faint mustache.

The moment stopped when I saw him look down at my chest, which because I took off my blazer, left the top half of my breast exposed. I cleared my throat, and folded my arms to cover it. This awakened him out of his day dream as well.

"My bad. I'm August," he introduced himself. "I'm Amber. One of the attorney's here," I held out my hand for him to shake on impulse not realizing he was just cleaning. 

"I would shake your hand but..." he lifted his hands to indicate the clear gloves and liquid over them. "It's fine. It's a pleasure to meet you August."  He bursted into laughter.

"What's funny," I asked confused. "Why you say it like that?"

"Say what" I scrunched my face unsure of what he was talking about. "It's a pleasure to meet you August" he mocked me in a white person's professional voice.

"I didn't sound like that," I rolled my eyes.  "Listen. It's almost ten o'clock and on top of that we in a bathroom. You ain't got to be professional with me" he gathered his cleaning materials.

"How should I have said it," I turned to face him as he washed his hands. "You know, something like, what's up Aug? Not no, "It's a pleasure to meet you August" he mocked me again and bursted into laughter drying his hands.

"Isn't it past your bedtime," I gave in and laughed, because his laughter was so contagious. "That's your way of asking me if we old enough to date," he stopped laughing and narrowed his eyes looking at me. "What", I said out-loud, but probably was mentally saying yes.

"I'm just joking with you," he smirked. I followed him into the hall and watched as he put his things on his cleaning cart. "I'm going to go back to my office, but wanted to tell you, you had a nice voice."

"Thank you," he smiled. "You have a nice night Amber" he mocked my voice again. "You not funny," I rolled my eyes and laughed as I headed back to my office.

I closed the door, and cheesed extra hard at what just happened. "August, August" I shook my head and went back to work.

This is my first story on here you guys. Comment and vote. Tell me what you thinK!

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