Chapter 43

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**** Okay so Aug and Chris made that Hold You Down record. Loved the video, accept Khaled lame ahh. That whole what's my name and you smart stuff, he could've left out. And this folks are O.C. for these August make up challenge pics lol.

Also prayers up for Kay, she had surgery. Don't know what for, but I'm hoping everything is alright.

Nate and Amb's client Kirko in m/m. ****


“You’re taking advantage of the fact, I feel guilty about the whole birthday thing.”

“Babe, I would never do that.” He faked coughed.

“You are not sick. Stop it.”

“Yes, I am baby. I could be dying and you don’t even care.” He dramatically coughed and held his stomach in fake pain.

He was lying in bed, while I was at the table in my bedroom typing his ten page paper due tomorrow, because according to him he was too sick to do it. How about too lazy. And he was preying on my guilt.

“Thank you baby for this. God is gon open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you don’t have room enough to receive.” He rolled over and snuggled under the covers.

It was 10pm, I had been working on his paper since five. On top of that, I had work in the morning.

I got up from the table in my room and hit him with a pillow.

“Babe don’t do that. You can make my condition worse.” He wailed out in fake pain.

“I’m done with you.” I laughed and went back to typing his paper. I was almost done.

Twenty minutes later, I had finished the paper he suckered me into doing.

“I’m done.” I sent it to his email, closed my laptop and got in the bed.

He snuggled up, next to me and started kissing on my neck. I knew what he wanted.

I hit him with a pillow.

“No, if you’re too sick to do your work. You’re too sick for sex.”

He dramatically sat up and opened his arms wide to the heavens. “Amb I'm healed. Won’t he do it?”

“He will. But I won’t. Goodnight.” I turned off the light. That was the end of that.


“Objection!” I yelled out at the way Nate kept babbling on. I always hated going against him. He was the epitome of arrogant and obnoxious.

“On what grounds Ms. Riley?” Judge Olsen turned his attention to me.

“Mr. Parker makes a claim that my client was present when the robbery took place, but offers no proof to base that claim.”

“Your honor, Stevie Wonder could see that the man in the surveillance video and the defendant are the same person. Maybe Ms. Riley should invest in some contacts, and if she can’t afford those, some glasses.”

“Or maybe you should invest in some tape to cover your mouth so idiotic things can stop coming out of it.”

“Order! Order!” The judge hit his gavel.

“Do the both of you want to spend the rest of your night in lock up for the disrespect you're showing to this court?”

“No your honor.” We said in unison.

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