Chapter 55

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**** Sorry guys, I was just feeling this and had to get it out. It short, but I felt like putting this up now.

Morris in the m/m. ****


“Hey Morris.” He was sitting behind a computer when I entered the jail. He was one of the officers I saw often when visiting clients and we had become good friends.

“Amb! How are you?” He hugged me from behind the counter. 

“I’m good.”

“It’s been a minute since I’ve seen you. Here for a client?"

“Actually no. A relative. Can you see if an August Alsina is in the system?”

“Sure give me one second.”

I nervously peered over the counter, while he typed in his computer.

“Yeah he’s booked here. I actually picked him up yesterday. He was driving on the wrong side of the two lane road. I stopped him, and that’s when I noticed he was inebriated.”

I sighed. “He doesn’t have any prior offenses does he?”

“Nothing major. Just tinted windows and weed. But he wasn’t charged just arrested.”

“I don’t ask for a lot of favors unless I really need them but can you please just let him go.”

“Amb I can’t do that. The boy was pretty gone when I picked him up.”

“ I understand that. But he’s graduating from Emory in two weeks. If he gets charged, this could prevent him from graduating.”

“Amb I understand, but what if he killed somebody?”

“I promise he will never do it again. I mean he got accepted to UPenn. He doesn’t need this on his record. It can affect his entire future. Just please let him go.”

“I’m sorry I can’t Amb.”

“Morris I defended your son for free, for this very reason. I don’t ask you for a lot of things in return but please just this once.”

“My ass is on the line if I do this Amber. Next time, it’s gonna be worst.”

“Thank you so much. But before you do it, can I talk to him in the interrogation room. Handcuffed.”

“What you trying to do? Scare him?”

“A little.” I smiled.

“Yeah I’ll go get him. You can sit in the room, I’ll bring him down.”

“Thank you so much.”

I followed Morris to the back and sat in the interrogation room and waited for him to bring Aug down.

A million emotions went through me. I was still very much upset. I felt entirely disrespected. He called me out of my name. He embarrassed me. And on top of all that, he didn’t even apologize.

This had to be one of the most exhausting relationships I’ve ever been in. I mean I have reached unimaginable highs with him, but when we get into it, it’s like, are we even the same people?

I heard the door open and Morris brought August in and sat him in a chair across from me.

“Amber you want me to stay in here?” Morris asked me.

“No, I’m good thank you.”

“You know where I’ll be. Just buzz me when you’re done.”

“Ok.” I shook my head.

August didn’t look at me. His hands were hand-cuffed in front of him.

It was silent for a good period of time I was waiting for him to say something. He never did, he just kept looking down. Like he was annoyed and angry I was even hear.

“Aren’t you going to say something?”

“I ain’t got shit to say.” He sniffed then looked at his hands in his lap.

“I came all the way down here for you and you have nothing to say?”

“I didn’t call you. Don’t act like you doing me no fucking favors.” He finally looked at me, then looked away with his mouth twisted in anger. " Shit. I ain't ask you for nothing."

I just kept telling myself don’t cry because I wanted to so bad.

“In the past couple of weeks, I have learned more about myself than I ever have. I’m a brilliant Attorney. I went to D.C. and I spoke with the freaking President in the room and he stood up for me. The freaking First Lady of the United States invited me personally to speak, and told a crowd of people, far more successful than me, to stand up on my behalf. And I asked myself, if the first lady can bow her head to me. If the President could stand for me. If a colleague, who I didn’t even like, can vouch so hard and believe in my capability, then why, why, do I go home to somebody who continously disrespects me?   Who never thinks enough of me to change, their behavior when I say it hurts me. Who willingly embarrassed me at one of the most important functions of my life.

Why do I continue to take your shit? Why do I continue to make myself weak so that you can be strong? That person, that weak person that I have become ever since I’ve been in a relationship with you is not me. I am so much stronger than that. I am worth more than the cheap ass price you are trying to pay for me.

I deserve someone who wants to see me living at my highest potential. Who wants to see me happy. Who cares enough about me to change the things about themselves that hurt me.

And even now while I have these thoughts,  for some reason I still love and care for you. So much so that I convinced them to let you out, because I don’t want to see it affect your future.

Even after you disrespected me to the tenth power by calling me a bitch.

“The same bitch that had your back when you were behind on rent, the same one who pushed you not to give up, the same one that was with you and stood by you even through all his wrong doings and foul stuff you said to me. Right, I’m that bitch.” (Line given to me by dream_outlouddd. She went in! )

August this whole time you felt you didn’t deserve me. And for the first time today, I feel the same way. Stay out of trouble because if you have any more fuck ups, I won’t be there.”

I left out and slammed the door.

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