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****Some Aug moments in the m/m. If anybody knows where the clip with him and Trey come from please let me know, I've been trying to figure out but have no clue.****

Does the Aug BET Awards cry – “I promised myself if I got up here I wouldn’t cry”

When I first begin writing this I had no clue what to write. Had no clue how to write. I just simply had an idea. This image of Aug and Amber somehow meeting in the bathroom just popped in my head. And I said, you know what, let me write this and see where it goes. And so here we are from the bathroom to now.

And the journey has not been me alone. You are only as great as your inspirations and reading the Aug stories on here, (I don’t care the bad rep they get) inspired me to want to write my own.

I talk about the people who inspired me to write here in this interview, check it out. If the link doesn't work the book is called Interviews with Wattpad Writers by getoutyourfeelings. I believe I'm like Chapter 3. 


And what allowed me to continue to write was the abundance of love I received through votes and comments. What I thought was just a fictional book became so much more. I gained friends, formed sisterhoods, heard people tell me stories about how passages helped them through hard times in their life particularly (Amb’s speeches and Nate’s suicide situation.)

The comments. Lawd, the comments. Nobody but Jesus can fix them because you guys are beyond hilarious. I’ll have a horrible day, write and then read the comments and somehow I’d forget what a horrible day I’ve had. And I went through a lot of ish writing this.

To y’all getting mad at Amb, to y’all putting Aug in his place. Till y’all showing Nate support (sorta), you guys treated these characters like they were leaving breathing people.

You engaged in the story like somehow what I was writing was actually affecting you. Lol. Which I know that feeling all too well because when I read great work, I do the same.

But the love y’all showed on the last couple of chapters, man… I cannot repay you guys for all you have done for me. You don’t have to take time out of your schedule to read this. Sometimes I post early in the morning like one or three something, people read immediately and leave comments.

People tell me they be at work, trying not to get caught reading this. Other’s be like, “yo I got school tomorrow but I’mma read this.” Lol, do not get fired or kicked outta school cause of me lol. I will not accept the blame like Aug tried to blame Amber, just telling y’all.

And people writing me in the dms telling me stories about how it personally affected you, man…you guys truly have become my family. Y’all know Aug say that at concerts right? We family. He need to stop saying that cause sometimes I forget we not. I have to remind myself. I don’t know these people. Lol. Travis ain’t my husband in real life. Mama Shelia ain’t my mama. Mook ain’t my bestie. And Chay, Kay, and Noonie ain’t my kids lol.

Anyway, family loves, supports you and calls you out if need be. And you guys have done all of that.

It amazes me when I see writers on here act like people owe them a read, vote or comment. Like somehow they did it themselves. Like somehow they got their own votes themselves. That is straight up wack, and when I see people like them I stop supporting them. No matter how good the story is.

I was able to write because when I reached out to my favorite authors on here, they were so kind to me. I couldn’t believe it lol, that they would really take time to respond and I try to be the same way. And if you asked me to read your work, I didn’t forget. I get a lot of people that ask so I’m trying to read them in the order asked. I promise I will get to them.

Even if I don’t respond to all the comments (it’s a lot of them and sometimes I just can’t.) I try to go back and read all of them. I appreciate all you have to say, (unless of course it’s some foolishness as I’ve had that as well.)

A million thank yous wouldn’t be enough to show you guys how much I appreciate you. The only way I can truly show my appreciation is by continuing to write. And continuing to write positive messages.  

I want to end this note with words from Amb’s speech she gave at the benefit.

My simple advice is this – Keep going.

You feel like nobody loves you – Keep going, someone will.

You enduring unimaginable pain – Keep going, the pain will subside.

You have bruises and scars that you feel make you look ugly – Keep going, someone will see the beauty in those imperfections.”

“You feel like giving up on life – Don’t give up. Although it seems like there’s no reason to live now, if you keep going you’ll find one.”

So to the young girl or boy wondering if life will ever get better. If God really truly cares. This is not something I read, but it’s something I have lived. Yes life gets better. And yes God truly cares. But you’ll only find out, if you keep going. Thank you.”


I am so grateful that when Mel died on this day four years ago, Aug didn’t stop, he kept going. We gotta do the same. And to Mel,  although your life was taken away, that situation created one heck of a brother with a heart of gold. I know you’re proud. Rest in Power #MellyB #Mel-Man #Mel #Melvin LaBranch III


The final, final, final chapter will be posted in a few.

Love you guys!!!!

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