This Is Where It Ends

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Pete's POV

You never want to know the ending of a story do you? Or are you one of those people who sneaks a look first? Whether you are or you aren't, tough. You're gonna know whether you like it or not. Time can't be re-written. I learnt that the hard way.

To the untrained eye it was a normal day, but look closer. See the blood run thick and fast. Hear the terrified screams and gunshots bouncing of the crimson stained walls. Step over the fallen, the dead and the dying and walk over here. Duck the flying bullets and watch the man I love cowering on the ground, trying his best to crawl away from the barrel of my gun, that I point at him with a smile on my face.

"Pete. What are you doing? Why?" He whimpers. "I lied. I'm a good lier. Either that or you're too trusting. It's a cute trait Patrick, but a very dangerous one." Tears leak from his eyes and he continues to cry. "I...I..I trus...sted you and did this..s." I roll my eyes and slam my foot into the bullet wound he acquired from me earlier. Patrick screams out in pain again and I kick him in the face. "Shut up with your incessant whining! You never shut up! I don't know why I put up with you." I say.

Patrick writhes in pain and I watch, loving seeing him struggle. "You know, I quite enjoyed our time together. I did actually love you and I was going to spare you. Almost cost me my life but they agreed to let me keep you. You were going to be my little pet. Do you have any idea how dangerous this life is?" I ask the short man. He doesn't answer just chokes and sobs. "Well it's pretty fucking dangerous. One wrong move and you're done, that's it. Brendon's a very harsh boss but he gets the job done. Do you hear that?" I stop talking and listen, relishing in the terrified screams.

"You did that. You brought this upon them. If you had kept your stupid mouth shut then they wouldn't be dying." I place my foot on his chest and lean down, whispering in his ear. "And neither would your little secret." Patrick glares at me as I straighten up. "Let this be a lesson to you, maybe you won't cheat on me next time. In fact, just to be sure," I cock the gun and aim it at his face again. He looks at me with big pleading eyes. With a smirk I pull the trigger and watch the silver bury into his head, going straight through and erupting in a fountain of blood. "Now you definitely won't."

Removing my foot, his body goes limp, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. The sounds of gunshots settle and the screams die down. "Is it done?" My boss asks. I look him straight in the eyes and nod. "Thank you, someone had to do it and it was only fitting that you were the one." Brendon says. "It was my pleasure." I reply. Honestly it's nice to walk around without a clingy man latched onto me like a limpet. Fucking Hell was he hard work. "Nice work Spiderman." The tall blonde compliments. I walk over to where he's leaning on a pillar and fold my arms. "Please, Spiderman is totally a goodie two shoes and I'm clearly the definition of badass." I wink at him. Mikey snorts and opens his mouth to retort but gets interrupted by Brendon.

"Way, Wentz get your asses over here. There's one more person we need to visit." Mikey rolls his eyes and propels himself forward. "Come on babe, duty calls."

"You have no idea how much I've missed you saying that." I take his hand, weaving my fingers into his. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." He says, kissing me softly. I'm about to deepen the kiss, but Brendon interrupts again. "You're such a cockblock Urie." I sigh. "Now you know how it feels." He's still salty about the time I stopped him having drunk sex with his ex Ryan. "You know you would've regretted it Bren." He just rolls his eyes and carries on talking.

"Whatever. Come on, we still have to pay Mr Trohman a visit." There's a certain glint in Brendon's eyes that I never get tired of seeing. That glint means shit's about to go down. Someone's gonna die tonight. "He's still not dead?" I raise my eyebrows and huff. "How?" Mikey asks from beside me.

"He called in sick." Dallon informs us, appearing in the doorway. I nod and tighten my grip Mikey's hand. "Ready?" I ask. "I was born ready." I see Mikey's smile falter and my eyes harden. Joe is going to fucking pay. We've been rivals for years and are well known for it. His boys killed Mikey's brother. Now he's got what he deserves. "Let's move bitches." We walk across the bodies, stepping over and onto bloodied carcasses, only knowing they're alive if they move. Anything that twitches gets pumped with a shit ton of lead.

Our car waits outside for us and we all clamber in. "Couldn't you at least put the heating on before we got in?" Dallon complains, earning a slap upside his head from Brendon. "Don't question me bitch, I'll set Sarah on you." That shut him up. Ever since her second trimester her hormones have been off the charts, ranging from mother mode to pissed off mafia mode. "Please no, spare me." He pleads. Brendon folds his arms and shakes his head. "It's her call not mine." We all laugh and for a second I remember what we used to be like. A bunch of kids in highschool just pissing about. Getting high, getting drunk, having sex in bathtubs, partying all night and getting home late. Not having any responsibility or anything to worry about.

Then this happened. Brendon got in with the wrong people and dragged us with him. I wouldn't have changed it for the world. We chat about random stuff until we pull up at Joe's house. "Mikey, Dallon you take the upstairs, Pete with me." We all nod. Before Mikey leaves I pull him towards me and kiss him hard. "Be safe." I say. He scoffs but nods, kissing me back. We say our goodbye's and depart. Let's do this.

Brendon and I stride up to the front door and knock. We hear shuffles and a sneeze but the door remains tightly shut. Brendon knocks again but this time with more force. "Joe? Hello? We just want to have a little chat." He says in a sing song voice but the door is still shut. After five minutes we hear bangs and a yelp then Dallon opens the door. "I see the window was open then?" Dallon nods in conformation and Brendon tuts. "My, my Joe didn't your mommy ever tell you to keep doors and windows locked at night? You never know who's around at this time." He addresses the tightly roped up man in the chair opposite us as we enter the hallway.

Joe glares and shakes his head. "You should know better than to open your mouth Mr Throhman. You know what happens when you blab." Brendon pulls out his gun from under his shirt and turns it in his hand. "They're dead now, all gone." He turns and faces him. "There's no one to tell now."

"You disgust me Urie. I hope you rot in Hell." Joe seethes. A dry laugh erupts from Brendon's mouth. "Oh I know there's a special place in Hell for me but for you...there's nothing." Joe spits at his feet and Brendon grinds his teeth. With a twitch of his hand, he fires, hitting Joe right between the eyes. Joe and the chair fall to the side, blood seeping onto the floor.

"Disgusting." Brendon turns on his heel and we all follow him out the house, the door swinging shut behind us.

Hey!!! Please tell me what you think, I'm looking forward to this one. A massive Thank You to Antisocial-Emo for the front cover, it's amazing and she's amazing, please go follow herrrrrr. Xox

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