New Beginnings

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Patrick's POV

"I've still got like a billion boxes left." Joe pouts and pretends to cry. I roll my eyes and hug him. "You're OK. I'll come over later and help with the last few. Deal?" Joe nods against my shoulder. "Ok, come on. Do you want to go now?" Joe nods against my shoulder again. "Well you're gonna have to move then."

"But you're warm and comfy." He complains. "Move yourself." Joe grumbles but straightens up and walks over to the door. "I have to unpack everything in the kitchen. I've been living off paper plates and pizza boxes for the past month. I thought if I got the heavy shit out of the way first then I can whizz through everything else and be happy." Joe tells me.

"Fair enough, that's not a bad idea to be honest." I lock the door and we walk the short distance of across my drive onto his to his house.

"Plates and bowls go in the cupboard on the far left on the bottom, pasta, rice and some other shit is already in another cupboard. Cleaning stuff goes under the sink, pans go in the one next to it, plastic boxes go in the last cupboard on the bottom. Cutlery goes in both drawers, glasses and cups go in the two top cupboards that don't have food in them. Chopping boards go with the plastic boxes. Kettle, toaster and microwave on the side and knives and knife block go next to the microwave." Joe instructs all in one breath.

"Can you write it down?" I ask, exhausted just from hearing that. Joe looks at me. "No." I put up my hands in surrender. "Ok, gotcha. It's all in here." I tap the side of my head. "Boxes are over there." Then he leaves. "Bye then." For twenty minutes I unpack and put away all his kitchen utensils and rub my aching back when he re enters the room.

"Can you smell something?" Is the first thing he asks. "It's sadness Courtney, fucking sadness." I mutter under my breath. "Hmm?"

"Nothing." I sniff the air. "Kinda smokey?" I suggest. Joe nods and looks thoughtful.

"Anyway, I went to the shop. Here I bought you a thank you present." Joe says, handing me a bag. Inside is a pint glass with a smiley face and a pack of guitar picks. "Thanks." I smile at him. I see the time on the clock behind him and gasp. Shit! Pete's coming soon.

"Hey what's up?"

"Oh have to go. My...friend is coming soon, sorry Joe."

"Hey don't worry. Do you want me to walk you home?" He offers me his arm. I take it and giggle. "Why thank you kind sir." Together we walk outside and stand in the street. "Thank you for my present."

"No problem, thank you for helping me sort out my kitchen." Joe pulls me into a tight hug. Over his shoulder I see Pete step out of his car. He sees us and frowns but it's replaced with a smile when he sees me looking.

"There he is. Got to go! See you soon?" He pulls away and nods. "Sure. Bye Patrick."


"Who's that?"

Pete's POV

"He's my neighbour, Joe." Patrick says. He gets into the car and places a bag down by his feet. "Ok." They seem a little too friendly or, at least, 'Joe' does. I don't like people getting too close to what's mine. I need to keep him close.

"Hey I've been thinking, do you want to move in with me?" I turn to his as I ask the question. His face lights up and he flings his arms around me. "Yes, yes, yes, yes." With each yes he plants kisses on my face. Good, maybe when he's with me and away from...him, I can have him all to myself. He's mine, no one else's. Mine.

"So, when do you want to move in?"

"Maybe next week?" I nod, I can do that. Anything to he him away from Joe. I've not met him but something seems off about him. It's just a gut feeling but from spending years with me Brendon I've learned to trust my gut.

Out the corner of my eye I see Patrick stew glances at me before looking back down at the plastic bag. "You ok sweetheart?" He nods but I'm not convinced. "Joe bought me a gift as a thank you, I've been helping him move in." He clarifies. "He seems nice." I say though gritted teeth. Patrick nods his blonde head quickly. "So nice! He's got this lovely..." I tune out as my boyfriend babbles on about how amazing Joe is.

"That's nice honey but we're here now." I cut Patrick off before I through myself out the car. "Oh, ok." He looks crestfallen but I really don't care. Joe's a little shit. He's stealing Patrick away from me. My Patrick.

"Brendon and Josh helped me plan this." We exit the car and walk towards a round table situated under a willow tree. Our willow tree. "'s beautiful! The lights! They're gorgeous. I have to take a picture, Joe will love this." I clench my fist and resist the urge to throw something. I suppress the growl rising in my throat and force a smile. "Sure. Why not."

As soon as he's done taking pictures I open the champagne and pour two glasses, downing mine before refilling it. "Ok mister, slow down yeah? You're driving remember?" I smile apologetically. "Sorry, just nervous."

"Hey," Patrick puts his glass down and takes my cold hands in his warm ones, "you don't have to be nervous. It's just me." He kisses me softly before pulling away to sit down. We start to eat the lasagne in comfortable silence before my phone goes off. "Pete your ass is making noise, either turn it off or answer it." I pull it out and check. "It's Brendon."

"Answer it! The forehead lord is important."

I roll my eyes plafully but answer it anyway.

"This better be important."

"Sarah's pregnant!"

"Shit! This is important!" Patrick furrows his brows. "Later" I mouth.

"I'm going to be a dad Pete! Oh this weird. Can you imagine me as a dad?"

"Honestly no."

"Wow thanks for the vote of confidence." I can practically hear him roll his eyes. "Anyway, I'm so excited but I'm also freaking out!"

"I can tell but how do you think Sarah feels?"


"No shit."

"Sorry I'm not a fucking mind reader!" He yells. "Ok chill papa bear, Jesus. Calm yourself."

"You're fucking useless, I'm calling Dallon. Have fun on your date." Then he hangs up. "That bitch!"

"What happened?" Patrick asks. "Sarah's pregnant. Brendon's being bitchy as usual and he hung up on me for Dallon. Don't worry, I'm accustomed to feel like nothing, fuck me." I pout and put my phone away. "Wow. I thought Sarah was supposed to be the one with mood swings."

"Nah, it's just Brendon, you'll get used to it." We continue to eat until Patrick breaks the silence. "Would you ever want to have kids?" I choke on my pasta and have to wash it down with some champagne. "" I stutter at a loss for words. "It's ok we don't have to think about it now, let's just move in first." I nod and try to regain my composure. Damn. Kids. Mikey and I never talked about it. I would be a shit parent, they would most likely get drunk every night and fuck whatever moves. Thinking about it, Brendon's kid might too. Hopefully Sarah will make sure that doesn't happen. She's the only sane person round here anyway.

I suck at writing and it's just getting worse 😭😭 sorry guys xox

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