Chapter 21

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Okay, so just to confirm, waaaaaaaaaaaaay down the road there will be smut.

But don't panic because I will try not to be one of those authors who springs smut on the readers, and then the poor readers who aren't comfortable with it will be caught by a nasty surprise.

My plan is to give you a warning the chapter before, but this symbol (*) over the title of the story to let you know that is it explicate content, and give you a warning at the beginning of the chapter. If you keep reading, well you've been warned. :)

(I do hate it when authors spring a random smut on you all of the sudden. I mean, I like smut, but I feel sorry for those poor readers who comment about what a nasty surprise the smut was. I'm trying to avoid that here.)

Anyways, just relax because the smut won't be here for awhile, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!



Tiny six-year-old Newt gazed up into the tree, where nine-year-old Theseus stood on the highest branch, looking out dramatically over the green landscape, as if he were a hero in a story.

"Theseus! You know Mother doesn't like us climbing trees!" Newt called again. Theseus looked down and grinned broadly at the pouting Newt. "You've never been up in a tree before! You can see the whole wide world from up here."

Newt instantly forgot about Mother and her strict rules about climbing trees. "What's it like up there?" he yelled eagerly, and Theseus puffed his chest up with pride.

"Real nice. The sun gives off these molten gold rays that strike the Earth's grass until it glows, and the big blue sky is so big, you feel like a itty bitty bowtruckle underneath it's dome. The clouds look like big balls of cotton candy, and you almost feel like you can reach and take a big bite out of one. You can feel the hot wind on your back and you can smell the Earth and the sky and the heavens all at once. Makes you just wanna throw your hands up to the sky and 'Whoop-dee-do!'"

"You're being dramatic!  You can't smell the heavens from that tree!"

"Can too! Smells just like what the heavens are supposed to smell like."

"How do you know that's not Earth?"

"Cause I've smelled Earth, and it doesn't smell like Earth."

"I don't believe that!"

"Come up here and see for yourself!"

"Mother said-"


Their mother stormed out into the yard, hands on her hips. But Theseus let out a great big whoop.

"Mother, you don't know what you're missing up here!"

"You'll fall, break your neck, and die! I'm not cleaning up the body of my dead son."

Newt stuck his tongue out at Theseus behind their mother's back, making Theseus scowl. He slid down from the tree, scraping his knee on the way down. Their mother nodded, satisfied. "Don't let me catch you up in that tree again," she said before leaving.

"I wanted to go up into that tree. I wanna smell the heavens," Newt said sadly. Theseus chuckled. "You know what, Newt? Someday, when Mom and Dad aren't the boss of us, I'll take you up on the tree, and you and I will smell the heavens and see the whole world together." Newt grinned. "I like that thought," he said, and Theseus laughed right out loud.

It was really too bad Theseus never got the chance to keep that promise.


Theseus read over the letter he had just written.

Dear Newt,

I want to take you up in a tree to smell the heavens and see the whole world together.

I hope you remember that promise. Please write back.

Your Brother,


His hands trembled so much as he tied the letter to an owl that he made the owl nervous. As soon as he was done, the owl took flight. He took a deep breath, settling back on the bed.

Please get my letter, Newt. Please forgive me. Please write back.


Sorry, that was kinda short, but I felt that was necessary.

I hope you enjoyed it! There will be more Newtina in the next few chapters, I promise!


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