Chapter 15

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I'm not going to embarrass Thesues while he's at work.

That thought rotated through Melody's head as she waited outside for him to emerge from the Ministry of Magic. Her hands went from her sides to her stomach, and she felt a smile reach her lips before she could stop it at the feeling of the small bump beneath her fingertips.

A tiny, innocent baby growing inside her. The very thought made a small spark of happiness inside her.

Don't you worry, little one. Your life will be so much better than mine. I promise.

Her hands fell back to her sides, and then she saw him.

Theseus, arm in arm with Leta, walking down the street.

Theseus' blue eyes froze when they landed on her, and he stopped in his tracks. Leta gave him a confused look, but Theseus didn't seem to notice. Suddenly, he was running towards Melody, a look of pure joy on his face. He threw his arms around her and lifted her up, spinning her around.

He smelled of cologne and cinnamon, a scent more artificial than Newt's, but just as welcoming. She had certainly not been expecting this reaction, but her eyes teared up joyfully all the same as she hugged him back.

He put her down, pulling back a little, and then his hands were cupping her face, thumb running over a scar on her cheek, combing through her tangled hair.

"Melody?" he whispered, as if frightened that if he spoke too loud, she'd disappear. Melody nodded hesitantly, and he let out a breathless laugh. "Oh, Melody! I was so worried about you all those years! Where's Newt?"

Leta visibly tensed at the sound of Newt's name, shooting Melody an expression of disgust that went seemingly unnoticed by Theseus.

"He's in New York," Melody replied. A look of sadness spread across his face, but he hugged her anyways, kissing the scar that he had just traced as if he could make it disappear. "What are you doing here?" he asked. She sighed.

"It's a long story."


When Tina blinked awake, she immediately felt a sharp tingling in her arm, signaling that it had fallen asleep. When she looked down at it, she let out a tiny squeak of alarm.

Newt was lying beside her, head on her shoulder, curls tickling her neck softly, one arm thrown over her stomach, fingers intertwined there with hers. Both were fully dressed inside a hammock in Newt's case. She felt herself smile, leaning in to kiss his forehead, but stopped when she remembered the events from last night.

Newt would be leaving in a week, forever this time.

There was a giggle, and Tina turned bright red. "I take it went well last night, based on how you two woke up," Queenie teased, but her face went more serious as she drank in the story from the night before. 

"Tina, that really wasn't fair to him."

"What wasn't fair?"

"You said you never wanted to get into a romantic relationship ever again?"

"Yes, but-"

"Now, he's gonna get his hopes up. And it's gonna hurt when you stand your ground."


"Didn't want him to leave? Teenie, as much as I love that you two finally kissed, you were cruel to him last night, whether you meant to be or not. If you really wanted him not to get hurt and if you really want to stay out of a relationship, the best thing to have done was to let him go."

Queenie suddenly smiled.

"Unless... you want another relationship?"

"I don't know... I mean, he's... sweet... but..."

Queenie sighed.

"You need to decide, honey. Or he'll leave, and this time, he won't come back this time."


Newt was asleep for another hour before he finally woke up.

He instantly turned bright red and muttered several apologies to Tina before getting up and freeing her from him. Despite the fact that her arm was sore when she got up, the only thing that she could think of was that she felt significantly colder when he was gone, and that she itched to hold him again.

Newt kept trying to leave to pack in his apartment, but Tina refused to let him go, forcing him to stay with pleas, physically restraining him from leaving, and, though she was ashamed to admit it, a few kisses.

Never before had she been so afraid of losing someone.

Never had she been so afraid of someone.

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