Chapter 28

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It took Newt a few seconds to react, and by that time, Theseus had slid down the tree and was swinging up onto his horse, and galloping off towards something in the distance. It was another horse, stretched out in a flat-out run, a woman clinging desperately to it's mane as the horse bucked viciously.

Newt slid down as well, jumping onto his horse and racing after Theseus, but Theseus was already next to the woman's horse. He leaned over the side, grabbed the woman by the waist, and pulled her onto his horse before slowing down to a halt. The woman fell from Theseus's horse, and Theseus quickly slid down, holding out a hand to help her up.

She was very pretty, Newt noticed. Fiery, red hair that fell to her waist in a tangled, matted mess, with bright, amber eyes that were now staring up at Theseus nervously. The dirt on her cheeks and her torn clothing showed signs of a hard life.

She took Theseus's hand, and he helped her up before bowing to her politely. "I apologize for giving you such a fright. I'm Theseus Scamander," he said, then gestured to Newt. "And this is my brother, Newt."

She looked faint. "Y-you're Theseus Scamander, the war hero. And you're the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," she said with a blush. Theseus smiled, and Newt nodded. "I take it you're a witch?" Theseus asked.

" I-I'm muggle-born."

"What was it exactly that caused your horse to run?"

"I'm not sure. I wasn't able to see, Mr. Scamander, with my horse bucking and all."

"Call me Theseus. Would you like for Newt and me to escort you to your location? After all, it was sort of my fault that you lost your horse, seeing that I allowed it to run off."

"You saved my life. It's not required of you or anything."

Theseus offered up his arm. "I insist. I'd hate to leave you like this, with no horse."

She blushed furiously, but slipped her arm in his. "I'm Coraline, by the way," she said to both Newt and Theseus.


By the time they had reached Coraline's house, Coraline's mother was outside, waiting for her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Coraline with two well-dressed men in tow, her arm linked with one of them, and she rushed up to greet them.

"I'm Mrs. Fabian," she said, curtsying so low that she stumbled, which caused Coraline to hide behind her hair in embarrassment. 

"Good day, Mrs. Fabian. I am Theseus, and this is my brother, Newt. Your daughter's horse was given a fright, and threw her off. He ran away before we could catch him, but we wanted to escort your daughter home."

"Ah! Tell me, Theseus and Newt... are you single?"

Coraline let out a small squeak of horror, jerking away from Theseus and hissing, "Mother!" Mrs. Fabian ignored her. 

"I have a love waiting for me at our hotel room, and Theseus is engaged," Newt replied awkwardly. (It wasn't awkward admitting Tina was his love, mind you. It was just awkward how Mrs. Fabian was glancing between Theseus, Newt, and Coraline expectantly as he spoke.)

"Well, my darling Coraline is looking for a man to wed-"


"-and you two are just so handsome-"


"-so I was wondering if Coraline caught your eye."

Coraline looked like she wanted to hide away, she was so embarrassed. Newt quickly shook his head, but Theseus just stood there, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Mind you, she's quite lovely, Mrs. Fabian. But I am quite loyal to Tina," Newt said, and Mrs. Fabian nodded sympathetically.

"Better luck next time, isn't that right Coraline?"

Coraline shrieked, running off into the house and slamming the door behind her. Mrs. Fabian tutted disapprovingly, before bidding the two brothers a good day, and entering the house.

"That was... interesting," Newt said sheepishly. Theseus nodded, but his eyes were on the house.

"Coraline was quite lovely."

Newt looked up in surprise, but said nothing.

"Want a butter beer at the Leaky Cauldron, Newt?"

"I'm up for anything."


I'm sorry about the short chapter last time. I wasn't thinking straight, and I apologize. Thanks for sticking around.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading, because I enjoyed writing this. Please leave comments, because heaven knows how much I love them. I love you guys!


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