Chapter 5

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Mia's P.O.V.

What does Harry want? Why would he be calling me? I'll probably regret this but I'm gonna talk to him anyways. He better explain himelf!


"Mia, I have a short time on the phone, but I did this because I had to." Harry said quickly.

"Whta do you mean you had to?"

"Management made me give you away, but look I'm-"

"So I'm rubbish to you! You pick your own job before blood. What was that saying, oh yeah, blood is thicker then water! I can't believe you! This is really low Harry even for you. One of the most stupidest things you have ever done! Bye Harry."

I hung up the phone. I can't believe him! He would pick his own job, fans, and band instead of a family member! How low! I feel my heart being ripped out of my chest. It's an undescribible feeling knowing your own family memeber that was supposed to love you gave you up.

I never want to see him again! Never in a million years would I ever say a single word to him. He is ignorant for doing this! And you will never guess what I heard from girls at school and at the gym say they heard on the radio. Harry Styles and Kendal Jenner dating. What the actual hell! He would get a girlfriend but not his sister back. I don't give a shit what management said he should of fought for me! And the least he could do would be not to get a snobby reality fake girl from the telly.

I went for a run to blow off some steam. I had ran all the way down the street to this old ice cream shop that was shut down. I remember I used to come down here with Gemma and Harry. I was ran passed it because of it bringing up too many old memories when my phone buzzed. I forgot about my phone because I had to hide it from this foster place because they would of took it. I didn't hesitate to answer it and I answered without checking the calling ID.


"Mia, it's me Gem,"

"Oh, hey."

"I was thinking of coming to see you and Harry on tour becuase I have a few days off."

" I mean if you want to see Harry you can, but you can't see me."

"And why is that?"

"Harry put me in a foster place, becuase his manager said I couldn't stay with him."

"Well, I will come up and get a hotel for me and you to stay in for a bit. The only problem is that I wish I could stay with you but I have school."

"I know Gem. Look I got to go. Bye."


I am so pissed! Ugh, I honestly hate my life. So messed up! Anyway I totally considered living in an alley, but as I was walking I seen Oliver. I would love to ask him if i could live with him, but that would be kind of rude. I was gonna go up to him when a few girls from gymnaastics came up in a car. They were the older girls that hated me because I was better than them.

"Hey look guys, it's that stupid girl that her brother doesn' t want her." Abby the girl driving said.

"Mia, why don't you kill yourself? No one likes you. Not even your family!" Emily said.

"Why don't you leave her alone!" Oliver said coming over.

"Prince charming is coming to save her guys. How cute." Abby said sarcastically.

"I'm more of a prince charming to her than you will ever have becuase no one likes a bitch." Oliver said with a bunch of oh's coming from a crowd forming.

"Whatever!." Screamed Abby as she drove away.

"Thanks Oliver."

"No problem babe. Do you want to come over to the field and hang with me and a few guys? It's okay if you say no cause I would understand why."

"Oliver, I would love to."

I went with Oliver over to the field and met his friends Luke, Jordan, Danny, and Kyle. We played football(soccer) and I really impressed them. It shocked them how I could do better than some of them and they are on a travel team. The thing that shocked them the most was doing a backhandspring and making a goal. I mean when you grew up playing football and doing gymnastics you can put them together.

"Wow, how'd you get so good?" Danny asked.

"I mean I grew up playing football and I did gymnastics my whole life so.."

"Can you do one of those things when you fly backwards?" Luke asked

"A backflip?" I asked giggling from him not know what it was called

"Yeah thats what it's called."

I did my standing backfilp and made them go crazy. They made me show them more tricks. It was funny how I would do something as simple as a cartwheel and freak them out. I even tried teaching them some tricks. I had attemped to teach them a cartwheel and handstand. We had to stop when Jordan I think had killed himself.

"Mia, what is your number? You justed earned yourself four new friends."

"Aw, thanks guys."

I told them my number and left to go back to the foster home. Man, even though this living place sucks maybe some of this will turn into good.

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