Chapter 14

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It was 12:30 p.m. and I was grabbing my gym bag stuffed with all my essentials. I needed to get my double pike back. I have a regional meet this weekend. Harry and all the boys are coming, even Oliver is too. Harry drove me up to the gym. I told him I just had an extra practice not that I had a mental block. My coach greeted me with a warm smile.

"Why don't you warm up and stretch. When you're done if you want spot I'm here." My coach told me. Coach went into the shared offices with all the other coaches here.

I had immediately went to stretch quickly. I did a few warm ups for my back such as handsprings, tucks, etc... I just wanted to whip this out and get it. That's exactly what I did. I went to almost the edge of the mat. I inhaled and exhaled before running to do my roundoff back handspring and I just went to the double pike with it not even being able to think about freaking myself out or anything. I just keep doing that over and over again, until I did it for the fifth or sixth time. That was when I went to Coach and told him I got it and now we need to fix my routine for this weeks meet. It is important I do good at this meet especially because then I'll get to go to Nationals and also if I get that I'll be able to attend the Olympic trails. Since, the Olympics are a year away and the one I'll be attending won't tell me if I'm in the Olympics or not, the judges are inviting the best gymnast to come and compete just like how it would be next year for the Olympics.

I left the gym sweaty and tired, but Harry had decided we were in need of some brother/sister bonding time. He wanted to go to a small pizza place to eat and then walk around for a bit. I was sort of looking forward to this only because it's nice to be able to see Harry.

Once, I had gotten home I went straight to the shower. I took a fifteen minute shower that cooled off my sticky body. I walked to my closet and picked out a pair of black leggings, a white crop top that had emojis all over it, as well as black Vans to go with it.I let my air in it's natural state and put in a white colored bandana as if I was using it as a headband. I didn't bother with any makeup only because I'm being with Harry.

Harry and I walked to the small pizza shop called Dino's. We talked about gymnastics a lot. I really enjoying having Harry interested in my favorite thing to do. I told him all about my old double pike dilemma and how I really want to go to the Olympics with very talented gymnasts.

"Are you excited for New York?" Harry asked before taking a sip of his drink. We were currently waiting for our pizza to come to the table. I was hoping Harry wouldn't bring anything up about New York, only because of Kendall.

"Yes, if Kendall isn't going." I said kind of quietly, which made me sound like I was shy.Harry had chuckled for a minute before answering. Does he think I'm joking?

"Sorry. No can do kiddo. Kendall has a modeling job in Nee York same time we are up there. She should be busy with that so maybe you won't see much of her, if not you'll just have to learn to except her." Harry said calmly to me. Before I could respond the waiter came out with our pizza. We had ordered a large half pepperoni pizza half cheese. I thanked the waiter and started to eat.

The dinner that Harry and I had was amazing! The pizza was so good it made your mouth water. Harry and I ended up finishing our shared large pizza quickly. We had paid the bill and tipped the waiter before leaving.

Our walk was in Hyde Park. The view was absolutely stunning. The view of the London Eye was just magnificent. The Diana Memorial Fountain was so beautiful I could just stare all day long. To my surprise, not many people noticed Harry. By the time we gads finished walking around the park I was practically begging on my knees for Harry to take me on the London Eye. After about the fiftieth time of asking, Harry had finally realize I wasn't taking no for an answer and said yes. It was breathtaking being able to seeing Big Ben and Buckingham Palace from that high of a view.

Even though, this was very relaxing I still felt nervous for my regional meet tomorrow. I still get nervous before meet; especially one as big as regionals. Hopefully, I'll be fine. Harry will be there to cheer me on too, which is always a nerve calmer.

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