Engagement Otherwise (Nian Fanfiction)

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It‘s been a few months since Nina and Ian split up. It was because Ian was ready to settle down with Nina and start a family with her, but after all, Nina’s 10 years younger and she wanted to be unbound for a little longer.  They broke up remaining good friends. Ian also told Nina, that whenever she‘s ready, he’ll be waiting for her.

Nina has been traveling and exploring new things a lot lately. She missed Ian the entire time though. She slowly started to realize, that this whole freedom thing is pointless, if Ian‘s not by her side.  She decided to call Kat for some advice:

“Hey Kat, it‘s me… Nina. You got  a sec?“ Nina asked.

“For you, always. What‘s up?“ Kat responded.

“Well I… I’ll make it short… I’ve had enough of… Everything. And I’m tired of missing him. Ian… I’m tired of missing Ian and I want him back. Please help me.“ Nina said desperately.

“Wow… You sound seriously…“

“Desperate?! I am! So let’s move on to the helping part, alright?“ Nina nearly yelled.

“And what exactly do you mean by helping?“ Kat asked. “If you mean my advice, I think you should totally go for him. I swear I have never seen a more beatiful couple… Plus everyone on set is betting about when will the two of you get back together.“ She added.

“Thanks… I guess that helped a little.“ Nina said calmly. “But I’m still not sure about… if he’s still… available.“ It was really hard for Nina to think he’s not.

“Well…“ Kat laughed. “It was like 3 weeks ago…“ She started. “I just arrived on set and I saw Ian tottering around, so I went to ask him what happened to him and he said that even though you see each other on set and do Delena scenes, he misses you…“ She paused and after a while of absulute quiet from the other side of the phone she continued: “I asked if he’s thinking of moving on and he answered something like: ‘I think it would be easier that way, but It‘s impossible for me.‘“ Kat said cheerfully.

“Kat, I love you so much! Gotta go.“ Nina thanked and hung up.


A few hours later Nina texted Ian.

N: What do you think about a casual dinner my place, exactly a week from now, 6PM? J              I:  Great, I’ll be there J. Looking forward to see ya J*.


One week later, Nina’s place.

Nina was panicking, waiting for Ian to show up. She was walking around the house in her black women suit she bought for this special evening. She was wearing black, long and tight pants, white shirt, black blazer, a bow-tie, red pumps and a high ponytail. There were red roses all over the house. There were roses in vases and an aisle leading to kitchen made of scattered rose petals.

Nina had it all well thought out, so she left the door open. When Ian came in he didn‘t know what‘s happening at all. He also didn‘t see anyone so he followed the rose petals that led him to the kitchen. When he came there, he saw Nina kneeling on one knee with an empty ring box in her hands.

“Ian…“ Nina started. “I was trying my best, to get my mind off you. To prove myself what I’ve been telling everyone – That I need to enjoy every little piece of the world before settling down. But none of that mattered… without you. Every second I was away from you my life made less sence. Everything is boring when you‘re not there with me. I love you, Ian… And I really hope you haven‘t changed your mind about waiting for me, because I have a life-changing question for you: Ian Somerhalder, will you…“ Ian kneeled down to Nina and put his hand gently over her mouth, so she wouldn‘t finish the question. He put aside the bouquet of red roses he brought her, untied her bow-tie and tied it around his neck. He got on one knee, took the ring box from her, deeply looked into her sparkly eyes and said: “This is so romantic, baby…“ He smiled crookedly. “But…“ He continued. “I always planned to do this the old way. So now, I’m asking you… Will you, Nina Dobrev marry me?“ Ian asked.

Nina wrapped her arms around Ian‘s neck and answered: “Yes!“

“I love you so much, honey.“ Ian said while gently rubbing Nina’s back. “Nina Somerhalder… How does that sound to you?“ Ian whispered in her ear.

“Perfectly.“ Nina smiled.

Ian pulled Nina away from him a bit so he could look into her eyes. “I love you.“ They both said at the same time, smiled at each other happily and then Ian pulled Nina in for the most passionate kiss. “We‘re getting married. I’ve never been more happy in my life. “ Ian said against Nina’s lips and kissed her deeply.

We all know what that led to.

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