two: Welcome to the Teen wolf set

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4 years later

                 "Please welcome our three guests from the show Supernatural, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Isabella Chapman." we walked and sat down in the chairs provided to us. "Hey guys whats up." "Well we just got here yesterday mourning so we've been visiting the city and showing this young one the city since she's never been." Jensen was like my dad and Jared was like that uncle you wish would stop bugging you but you loved them. they gave you a shot after being a bounty hunter. oh and i lost all contact with everyone after what happened. the only thing i have left of anyone of them is the bracelet Dakota gave to me. "So Let's just jump right in here. So Bella your the youngest one one set and the most recent add on since like four years. whats it like working with these to goof balls cuz trust me. the three of us guys had a frat house when we were your age." i laughed before i answered. "It's awesome i mean i might be the youngest but i mean i was only 16 when i joined the show and now i'm 21 and having the time of my life doing what i love with two amazing actors. even if sometimes it's hard to get through a scene since these two want to just try to make either Misha crack which eventually makes me laugh or just generally messing up to make me laugh. but i wouldn't change it for the world." Ryan and asked Jensen and Jared questions. Kelly asked a few questions then looked at me. "Well we got to wrap up with you three but i wanna say. you Bella are not only juggling this show but your starting the fourth season of Teen wolf. is there anything you can spoil about that?" i smiled. What they don't know was that my character on Supernatural got killed so i could be on Teen wolf more. "Well we are on part B of the season and a certain kid comes back to beacon hills that Stiles doesn't fully trust but Luna trusts whole heartedly since she knows everything he'll be hiding." "Alright guys thank you for being here and we'll be back tomorrow bye bye now." The show was over and the three of us headed back stage. I had to get on a flight to California. "do you have to leave us." i looked at the two grown men in front of me. "Yes i do. i'm sorry. but don't be afraid to call me if you need me." they hugged me and i headed to get on my flight. I'll miss them but not as much as i missed my best friend who was waiting for me at LAX.

                    I got off my flight to see Jake Miller waiting for me. I smiled and jumped in his arms. "I've missed you Jakey." he laughed at his nickname i gave him. "I've missed you to Belles." he put me down. "Let's get out of here before we get caught by the paparazzi." i nodded and we headed out. We got into my Silver dodge charger and went to his place. on the car ride we were listening to music and i started to sing along. i only really sang in front of him because i was comfortable with him. when i sang in front of other people they usually stared at me. "Bella i'm serious you really need to get a record label. i'll even sign you." i laughed. "Jake people will think something's up. and plus we can't do that." he looked at me. "Your not arguing with me." i smiled and parked in his driveway. noticing a truck in the spot where i usually park. i got out and went into his house. i went into the kitchen and grabbed two waters for the both of us. i handed him his. "Bella your not arguing with me on this. Why?" he had a smile on his face. "Because maybe your convincing me has paid off." He screamed and started to dance around. another guy came into the kitchen wide eyed. "What happened." Jake stopped dancing but i was staring at the other dude. he was hot. "Oh sorry. Bella we got another room mate. He's one of my friends and is the new characters on your show. he plays Theo." I smiled. This guy was the one who was gonna play my hard to resist love interest. God damn do i wanna kiss him. "Hi I'm Bella. I play Luna." I looked at him and he was also staring at me. "Oh ummm. I'm Cody." I smirked. "But Jake seriously. You have to at least convince me a little more." "Ok ok. Listen What happened a few years ago was a few years ago. people need to hear your voice Bella. I already have a few songs written for you to sing." I looked at him. "Not enough." my phone vibrated. it was a text from Tyler.

TPose: Why didn't you tell me your coming here?

     I laughed then i remembered something. "Dammit. Cody take a picture with me." he a greed. we took a picture and i posted it on instagram with the caption: Look here's your new character Theo Raeken played by Cody Christian and your new full time favorite. Luna Louve played by Isabella Chapman. What do you think?. My comments blasted up. my texts did to.

Holland: Why didn't you tell us?

O'brien: What the hell?

TPose: i knew It!

spraybaby: Mom?

Shelly: Sprayberry she's not your mom. and you met Cody. cute

Unknown: Yeah we live together. we met through our mutual friend who didn't tell us we would be living with each other.   

              I looked at Cody and laughed.

Me: you know i'm right here

Cody: Yeah i know. i didn't want to say it out loud since Jake is still rambling about you needing to get a record deal.

TPose: Wait you still haven't signed a record deal with Jake why.

Spraybaby: yeah mom why? and my parents met!!!

Shelly: for the last time they're not your parents and yeah why?

me: Guys i'm not a good singer and i never will be.

O'brien: Yes you are and that's what Cody said the day we found him singing.

me: wait you can sing? is there anything you can't do?

Cody: get a girlfriend. but i think that's gonna change soon. is there anything you can't do?

Me: Keep my family intact and get a boyfriend. what do you mean?

Cody: oh you'll see

Rhambo: what the hell did i miss

OMG!!! i just read the earlier texts. OMG!!! Sprayberry, our parents might get married!

Spraybaby: and have more kids! we'll be older brothers!

         I looked at Cody. "Looks like we got kids." i laughed.

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