Twelve: Happy Birthday! part one

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                           "Bella get up. you gotta get on your flight." I put the blanket over my head. today i was going back to California. and i didn't want to. i was comfy here and i loved it. "Dakota No!" me and Dakota became the first ever 21 year olds to reach the 5,000 fugitive capture ever. it just proved what the Chapman twins were made out of. Dakota pulled the blanket off of me and grabbed me and took me downstairs. "Dakota! Put me down!" he put me down at the chair at the island in the kitchen and dad put a plate of pancake and bacon in front of me. today marked 7 months of me and Cody being apart and i hated it. i went to being my shy bounty hunter girl who wore her hair up in a ponytail instead of down. i didn't wear my glasses anymore because i practically went off of what people think of me. i curled up in a ball and hide. thats what everyone has told me my dad looked at me. "Bella come on. you haven't  eaten i a while." i got up from the table and walked away while saying. "I'm fine. i'm going to go get ready."

Dakota's POV

           She's not her without him. before Cody she was shy and only did was take down fugitive and went back home. she always wore her hair up and never wore her glasses which made it harder for her. when she was with Cody she was free. she acted the way she wanted. she was her and not someone who got told who to be. but now she's back to that. but before she ate like once every two days but now she eats once every other week. i'm scared for her. my sister is beautiful but she needs to be free of herself to be her. today we're moving to California but today Bella is going to Cali because she has to do some stuff before Teen wolf has to go back on filming. me and Jake have been in touch and me and Cody have talked and told me his side. what happened was Talia fucked everything up between them. I looked at my phone to see Jake calling me. "Hey Jake what's up." "It's Cody. Today is his birthday but he doesn't want to celebrate it since he's not here with Bella. like he's in his room crying for her. How's she doing?" i frowned. "well she hasn't eaten anything in a month. we're surprised she hasn't passed out yet but are you by Cody at all." i heard him start moving and close a door. "Ok i'm in my room whats up." "Well i need you to have Cody be at his birthday party." "Why? what did you do?" "I didn't do anything. Bella is heading for the airport in an hour and Holland and Crystal are picking her up. They're gonna tell her that there going to a party and there actually going there." "Really!" ok we'll pull this off i know this just get her here." "Alright bra we got this." i hung up and with a half an hour Bella came down stairs ready to go. "You ready?" she smiled at fake smile. "Yup. i got my bathing suit under this and yeah." we headed out and now i was nervous. i hope they get back together because i want to be an uncle. like now.

Bella's POV

                    The whole time we were going to the airport Dakota acted weird but what ever. i was in the car with Holland and Crystal. they told me we were going to a party but when i asked what for they didn't answer. it was an hour into the drive when i remembered what day it was. "Guys what party are we going to?" they looked at each other. "a birthday party." They pulled into a place and i heard music. i knew who's birthday it was. "Guy's i'm not going. and you can't make me move." sprayberry came with Victoria and Kylin and lifted me over his shoulder. "Nice to see you mom. but your going." "Dylan put me down. actually Kylin your now my favorite child." Dylan put me down as soon as i was in the place. "Your gonna be saying i'm your favorite kid by the night. trust me." I rolled my eyes and looked at Holland. "i'm staying with you guy's." "uhh no your not. your talking to not only Jake but Cody." they walked away but they got replaced by the Carver twins. "You're gonna tell me that i gotta talk to him to aren't you." Max smiled and put his arm around me and Charlie handed me a drink. "No we're not even though to would be great if you two would just get along but we came to say you can hang with us since your tiny and we're tall and you can hide between us." i laughed and nodded. i wished Cody was there but these two were so i kept them. maybe this won't be that bad.

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