Fourteen: Birthday Suprise! part one

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                   I was sleeping when i felt something on my face. i opened my eyes to see it's Cody's cat, Athena. i smiled and looked to see that Cody was gone from the bed. "Well pretty girl would you like to tell me where Daddy is." i got out of bed and put my glasses on. i looked at myself in the mirror and bit my lip remembering what we did last night and what today is. Today was my birthday. i headed downstairs and saw Cody in the kitchen. i wrapped my arms around him. "what're you doing?" i tried to look over him but i couldn't. he was to tall. he turned around and smiled. "Happy Birthday baby. your 22. hows it feel." i looked at him then frowned and took a step back. "So far. not so good." i ran to our bedroom and then to our bathroom. i started to throw up and he held my hair back and rubbed my back. When i was done i brushed my teeth and looked at him. " That's your answer." He came up to me and kissed your head. "I'm glad that you have a doctors appointment today then. this has been the 6 time you've done this in a row and you've felt fine for the rest of the day." i nodded. "Can we go down and eat since i can smell bacon." she smiled and guided me to the kitchen to see Jake was there. While we ate i remembered that i was supposed to get my period the day after Cody's birthday. i'm late. and the mourning sickness doesn't help my assumption of what's wrong with me. i checked the time to see it was 9:00. my appointment was at 9:30. i dropped my for on my plate and smiled. it might be true. the boys looked at me. "What're you doing?" i got up and put my plate in the sink. "I gotta get ready to go to the doctors and no Cody your not coming with." i turned around to go get ready.

                    I was in the car on my way to the Doctors when i got a call from my step mom. "Hey mama. what's up?" i called her mom since mine had died but had left me, Dakota for dead and living in our own filth while she got drunk and high off of stuff we don't know of. i think that's why Dakota was how he is now. he's so protective over us little ones. i loved him for it. "Oh nothing much. Cody called me asking me to call you because he was scared he did something wrong today for your birthday since you wouldn't let him go to the doctors with you." i smiled. "Oh mom and thx for the birthday wish but he's just worried. and he'll get more protective over me if what i think whats been happening is attached to something." i bit my lip in excitement. me and Cody had talked about kids in our first go around and he said he wanted kids right now at this age so i was happy if my assumptions were right. "What whats wrong? whats been happening?" "Mom it's nothing bad. it's just that i've had mourning sickness for the past five days." "Your pregnant." "hey i'm going to the doctors to find out but you better tell no one." "Bella i know your pregnant. I'll meet you at the store in about a half an hour." "Ok mom i'll see you."  i hung up and went into the doctors office. i sat there for a few minutes before they called me back. "well Bella first happy birthday and what seems to be the problem?" "Well i've been having mourning sickness for the past few days." She looked at me and then her papers and smiled. "Well from the urine examination it looks like your pregnant." i smiled. "I'll get your proscription papers and set up an appointment for you for an alterasound." i nodded. i was so happy.  when i got out of there i knew i had to make Cody not leave the house so i texted Jake.

Me: Keep Cody at the house. no matter what.

Jakey wakey: why?

Me: Just do it. You'll see.

Jakey wakey: Ok

                   he was so easy to persuade. I got to the store and met up with my mom. she looked at me and smiled. "Your definitely pregnant. i can tell by your smile and your glow." i shushed my mom. "I can't have the public know before Cody." she nodded and we got something to surprise Cody with the new and my prescription.  on my way home i felt something hit the back of my car at a red light and it hit hard. i got hit. the first thing i did was look down. i was ok. our baby was ok. some guy came to my window. "mam are you ok? i need you to get out of your car." i nodded i grabbed everything from the grocery bag to my prescription, that was in my purse and got out. the next thing i know was that my car was on fire. the police cars came and the ambulance examined me. the police told me that a drunk driver had hit me from behind. and that he would be charged and that court wasn't needed. i asked the paramedics if i had to go to the hospital and they said no. i walked to the chipotle, which so happened to be across the street from me getting in the car accident. i took a seat and called cody.

(Bold: Cody   Italics: Bella)

Hey babe what's up?

Well i was coming back from the doctors and i was at a red light when some drunk driver hit me from behind. after i had gotten my purse and me out of the car and a was a few feet away it caught on fire. so well for this being a good birthday.

Oh my god are you ok Princess

Yeah but i need you to come pick me up. I'm at our Chipotle.

Ok i'll be there in five minutes but order us food.

Ok. i love you

I love you to.

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