Eight: My Ohana

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                    I looked behind me to see Cody, Jake and everyone else nowhere so i just kept on walking with my uncle. when we reached them no one really paid attention until, "Guys i just saw - Isabella?" everyone looked at me. i looked at uncle DL and he nodded. i looked at my dad and the tears started flowing again. i ran to him and hugged him. "Don't scare me like that again." I nodded i hugged everybody and they sat down. i still stood. "Why didn't you come back." "Oh trust me i did. it's just dad, the way you looked at me, you were disappointed that i didn't want to the in the family business and Grandma and grandpa did the same thing. i just didn't want to come back and see all of you disappointed in me. and when i saw dad just a few minutes ago i didn't know what to say so i ran into his boney back." Duane Lee laughed. "Wow well dad i'm glad you got to reunite with my partner in crime last night." Dakota came and wrapped his wet arms around me. "Hey i didn't want to get my upper half wet you asshole." he laughed dad came up to me and took my hands. "Bella i could never be disappointed in you. at first i was mad but when i saw your channel and Leigh and Jamie started watching your shows and i saw how much you loved it. i mean damn you play Luna and Elle so well i think your a different person. but just know that Bounty hunting is and will always be here for you when you fall." i nodded and hugged him. Dakota, Jamie, Colbie and Leigh came and hugged us to. Dad laughed. Dog and Beth looked at all of us. "Look Leland, Your family is whole again. and wait. if you were the one helping Dakota last night and you two finished everything we needed to get done that would take all of us that means you and Dakota still have that twin power. You, your dad and Dakota would have finished it all in 3 hours with Duane lee half an hour." i smiled. "I still have it and could tackle any guy if i wanted to." they all laughed. we sat and talked until a question came up. "So Belles are you dating anyone? wait i'm sure you are you had to of came here with someone." Dad spit out his drink and my eyes went wide. Cody. Shit Cody and Jake are gonna kill me. I stood up. "They're gonna kill me." Dad Beth looked at me. "whoa who's gonna kill you?" i gave a weak smile and then i heard there scream. "Bella!" i looked to my left to see Jake and Cody running over here. this was not how i expected this to happen. Cody ran up to me and grabbed me. "Don't ever do that to me again." "Yeah you had us flipping out Tyler and O'Brien had to make sure everyone stayed there while we went out looking for you. which if you know Holland and Shelly they'll probably kill them. But don't do that. you had mr. I know how to find her worried." before i got to answer Cody kissed me. it lasted only for a few seconds before someone pulled us apart. i looked to see dad there. i blushed. i looked at everyone else and grandma was looking at me. i stood next to Cody and looked at Dad. "Daddy this is -" Leigh came up. "Daddy that's Cody Christian. wait Bella your dating Cody Christian?" i smiled. "Yeah i am Sista." Leigh looked at Jake. "Jakey!" he laughed and picked her up. "hey squirt. it's been awhile. and i'm surprised by the time shes been gone she hasn't told you that she's signed a record label with me." everyone congratulated me. i looked at my phone to see a text message from tyler

TPose:  Hurry your asses up and get over here. your three kids are wondering where your at.

                 i laughed. "Hey Cody. Jake. We better hurry up. Dylan, Kylin and Victoria are bugging Posey and O'Brien about where we are." he looked at me. "That our kids." everyone's eyes went wide. "Wait i'm a grandfather?" i laughed hard. "No no no. you see Dylan Sprayberry, Kylin Rhambo and Victoria Morles like to claim that they're our children so we just go along with it. it's a big joke because Victoria and Dylan are dating so it has evolved to Dylan and Kylin being our kids and Victoria being our daughter in law. oh and it looks like Holland roden and Tyler Posey claimed me as theres so..." i smiled and he laughed. "Thank god. i don't think i'm ready to be a grandfather yet. I'm only 39. give me a week." "Wait dad you'll still be 39." he laughed. "i know." Jake put Leigh down. "But Bella's right we gotta get to the rest of the cast since they're starting to blow up my phone. and i've gone through 5 phone in two and a half months. that's not good." "Ok let's go. bye guys." we started to walk away but i ran back and kissed dad's cheek. Leigh tugged on my cover up. she had tears in her eyes. "When will we see you again?" Colbie came over and he had tears in his eyes to. "yeah Bella when will we see you again. we can't lose you again. we fell apart after you left. we need you." I was surprised that a 13 year old and a 8 year old could think about adult things. i was proud. i crouched down to both of their height and took one of each of their hands. "well if Dad lets me. i would love to be able to come around when i'm not working. but i also want to be able to have  a side job." dad looked at me."What do you mean?" i smiled and stood up. "I'm making a deal. I want to be around more no doubt about it. but i also want to be able to bounty hunt when i can and when i want. i have always renewed my licence and have listened to your guidelines. now all i'm asking is for you to abide to mine." he smiled. "well i agree but you have to come over to your grandfathers for the fourth." i frowned. "I know it's tradition but i can't. i would love to but The whole teen wolf cast, and Jake are here." my step-mom, Jamie looked at me. "Wait you picked here as your fourth of July break? and like Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien, and all of em are here on this beach?" i smiled. "Yes they are." Grandpa and Grandma looked at each other. "Well why don't they all come over for the fourth. they're apart of the family now. and plus Jake has always been family and me, your dad and your uncle Duane Lee need to have a talk with Cody." my eyes widened. "Ok but be careful with him when we come over. i really like him. but bye." they waved by and i headed to where everyone was. "We're going over to my grandfathers for the fourth and don't worry they said we could spend the night they're." I looked at Cody and he had wide eyes. i laughed and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry i'll prepare you for them and i'll even give you a treat when we get home." He looked at me and i smacked his butt. i couldn't wait.

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