Four: I'll protect you

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Bella's POV

                   i got inside and saw Jake waiting for me. "Your leaving? Dylan texted me. but your leaving? Why? i thought we were good." i looked at him. "It's not you Jake. i promise. it's just something happened on set between me and Cody and i don't think we can go back on it." "What you said you loved him and left." i was shocked. "I knew what scenes you were doing today Bella. i always do." i stepped closer to him and hugged him. he hugged back. "I can't tell him about everything Jake. if i do he'll be scared of me and run. that's why i'm leaving. I'll come visit you soon. trust me." he nodded and i went to my room to pack a bag. i could only bring so much with me. i didn't even fully understand where i was gonna go since i really had no where to go. but i'll make it work. i always do.

Cody's POV

             I raced home to stop Bella from leaving. i saw her car here and her bedroom light on so i knew she was here. i ran inside and saw Jake in the kitchen he looked at me and smiled. he nodded up to her room. "Go get your girl. you two deserve each other." i ran up the stairs to her room and saw her on the balcony. she wasn't facing me so i wrapped my arms around her waist. "You can't leave Bella. please don't leave. Today that wasn't me talking as Theo. that was me talking as me. i love you Bella." she turned in my arms and looked at me with tears in her eyes. it broke my heart. "But i don't want my past to come up and hit me in the face and you be in the line of fire. i can't risk you getting hurt. i love you to much." i smiled. "Tyler and Spraberry told me all about your past and to let you in on a secret. my dad owns B+C bail bonds in Texas. my dad's name is Brian and my mom's is Christina. I came from the same background as you do. i know how you feel. but what ever comes comes and i'll be there with you the whole time because i love you to much to let you go. you literally just tried to leave but look, i'm here asking you to stay here. if not for yourself but for me or for Jake. please." She smiled and she kissed me. i kissed back. the kiss was soft and passionate at the same time. "I'll stay." sh said when we pulled apart. i looked into her golden brown eyes and saw that she was happy. for the first time i have seen her i saw her smiling. "Your smiling." she giggled and i swear it was gonna be my favorite sound in the world. "Oh and i have another question for you. will you be my girlfriend." she smiled bigger and she nodded. "Yes!" i lifted her up and twirled her around. "We better get downstairs before Holland and Shelly come knocking this whole house down. i feel like when Tyler tell them that you were gonna leave they threw a fit." we headed downstairs hand and hand and when we reached the living room we heard gasps. we looked and saw everyone looking at us shocked but Sprayberry, Rhambo, and Victoria had smiles on there faces. Jake spoke first. "What did you do to her Cody?" i was confused. "I didn't do anything to her. why?" Bella laughed and everyone gasped again. Jake spoke again. "She's smiling and laughing. it's the first time we've seen this." Victoria spoke. "Really look at there hands." everyone did and started yelling. "Alright we gotta make standards in this house now but Tyler O'brien you owe me and Sprayberry." they nodded. "Ok but now there dating we get to hear your voice Bella." i looked at Bella and she turned white. "Guys no. i can't." "Belles you gotta do it one day." "Fine give me one minute." She ran up stairs and came back down with a guitar. we all sat down in the living room and she started to play the guitar. "There was a time when into my father's eyes. in a happy home i was the queen i had a golden thrown. but those days are gone now those memories are on the wall. i hear the songs from the place where i was born. upon the hill across the blue lake that's where i had my first heart break. i still remember how it all changed. my father said don't you worry child heaven has a plan for you don't you worry child." She went on and i couldn't believe it. her voice was amazing. I looked at Jake to see he had a video camera in his hand. She finished the song. and saw Jake. "Really?" he smiled. "Your posting this on your channel. oh wait i already did." "Jake!" "Now will you sign this." it was a contract. a singing one. she looked at me and i nodded. she signed it. Tyler grabbed beers from the fridge and we drank. "Well looks like I'm the designated diver along with Victoria and lil Dylan." Kylin, Victoria, and little Dylan couldn't drink yet so they had to stay clean but the rest of us drank and i think me and Bella drank to much because we ended up having sex that night.

Bella's POV

                 I woke up to have the sun shine right in my eyes. i closed them and remembered something. my bed doesn't face the window. i looked around to see that i was in Cody's room. i look down to see that i had nothing but the sheet's and the blanket on top of me along with Cody's hand on my waist. i couldn't remember that much after what happened last night after i signed the singing contract that was put in front of me by Jake but it didn't take someone smart to realize i had sex with Cody last night. all i did was smile because i knew it was probably good but it was my first time. i wanted to remember it. i turned in Cody's arms and kissed him. soon he kissed back. i pulled back and he had a smile on his face. "Mmmm i could wake up to this every mourning." "Good cuz i like waking up like this to. but i wish i could remember my first time." his eyes shot open. "I'm so sorry. i didn't know." i giggled." What?" i smiled at him and kissed his for head. "even if i can't remember i bet it was great. it was with you." he smiled and got on top of me. "You wanna recreate what we did last night? Even if we don't remember and we're both sober now." i smiled. "Yes please."

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