5 days Later...

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   "Hey Varian! Could you pass me the colbolt and hydrogen peroxide that are on the top shelf please?!"
You asked your best friend, since you ironically weren't tall enough to reach a shelf that you built. Varian looked up from his work, then started laughing as he stood up and walked towards the shelf.
    "You know, I will never understand why you don't just bring a step ladder in here instead of asking me to get it for you."
He said as he grabbed said chemicals and placed them on your workspace. You just smiled and replied,
    "If I did that then I wouldn't have an excuse to get my best friend away from his work just to have a conversation. Because, let's face it, once you start on an idea, you don't exactly take breaks to talk or even eat... and speaking of, have you even had breakfast?"
   You knew how Varian was when he went into 'total alchemist mode'. You worried when he wouldn't leave his work to eat and you also knew that you were being a bit hypocritical since you were the same way.
   "Um, well, no... But! I will as soon as I finish one last thing on the blueprint for my latest invention! Once I complete the blueprint I will be that much closer to creating a way to give Old corona a way to have warm running water. Then my dad will be like, "Varian, I am so proud of you. Everyone! That's my son!"
    You laugh at his attempt to sound like his dad.
    "Varian... I am sure he is proud of you, no matter what you do, okay."
He scoffs and shakes his head with a forced smile.
    "Yeah, right. If he is, then he has a funny way of showing it." There was a few moments of awkward silence before he started speaking again.
  "Hey! I've been meaning to ask, ahem, well if you don't mind that is...would you like to come over for dinner at my house tonight?"
You just stood there and blinked for a moment while you processed what he was asking.
   "Ummm... sure, but what brought this on? "
He smiled shyly at you, then raked his hand through his hair nervously.
    "Well, remember how we met 5 Days ago?"
You nodded.
    "Well... When I went home the next day, my dad asked me where I was and where i keep going and..."
  "And... I told him about you and your lab and he thought that I was making it up, but I wasn't! So, I told him that I would bring you home for dinner so he could meet you."
     You just stared at him in shock, not because he invited you to dinner, but because he told someone about your lab. Your secret lab. Part of you was upset that he told someone about your lab, but another part of you understands that it's not his fault since you never said that he couldn't tell anyone about the lab.
    Heck! If you found out about a secret hidden lab, you'd want tell someone too! You looked at Varian and smiled.
     "Okay, let's go!"
      "Wait. Now?"
A/N: I am so sorry for not updating last week, but homework and chores took up my time.

A Dynamic Duo  (Varian x Reader) [Currently On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now