I Promise...

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You locked up the entrance to the lab as soon as you both stepped out. After a few moments you were satisfied knowing that your lab would be safe. You then took a deep breath and turned to Varian to address an issue that has been plaguing your mind since your previous conversation with him.
"Varian... we're friends, right?"

"Yeah! Of course, why?"

"And friends can keep their friends secrets safe... right?"

"Well... sure, if they promise not to tell anyone and no one should make a promise that they're not going to keep. It's just wrong."
You noticed that Varian was becoming a bit upset at the last part of his sentence. You frowned because you honestly didn't know what to do when someone was upset, angry or sad since you never spoke with people your age... or people in general. After that response you both began walking to Varian's house (with Varian leading of course). After a good 10 minutes you were both in old Corona walking down a dirt path that you guessed led to his house. You kept glancing at him and started to feel guilty. 'Way to screw up your first friendship'.
Unable to take the silence between the two of you anymore you placed your hands on his shoulders (while maintaining a respectable distance) and looked him directly in the eyes.

"Look, Varian. I know that we haven't known each other that long, but I just need you to promise me something, okay? Just one thing."

He tilts his head in curiosity.

"Ummm... Okay. What?"

"Promise me that you won't tell anybody else about my lab".

"Why? I mean I understand that it's your lab, so your rules obviously, hehe. Ahem. But, uh, well, is there a certain reason for um, ya know keeping it a secret?"

Wow. He's really awkward. That's cute. You thought. Then you realize that Varian is waiting for your answer.

"Oh! Um, sorry! I was thinking about something. It's not important at all. Hehe. Ahem. Anyway... to answer your question, I just don't want to have anyone know about my lab okay. There's a reason why my lab is underground and the entrance seems like a regular tree stump. It's a secret lab for a reason."

You didn't raise your voice once while you were talking to him, which was really good, because you didn't want him to think that you were angry at him. And you certainly didn't want anyone to hear what you were saying.

"Varian, I promise you that someday I'll tell you the reason why, but we barely know each other right now. I mean we met each other 5 days ago... And believe me, there is so much that I want to tell you. When I'm ready I'll tell you everything, okay? Cross my heart"

You then draw an 'x' where your heart is on your chest with your finger. Varian is silent for a moment while he wears his thinking face.
Awww, he looks so adorable!

        (Varian's thinking face)    Varian stays that way for a few seconds as you both continued walking down the dirt path that led to what looked like a castle like building

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(Varian's thinking face)
Varian stays that way for a few seconds as you both continued walking down the dirt path that led to what looked like a castle like building.
Is that where Varian lives?
Varian's response makes you both stop walking and brings your attention back to the conversation.

"Alright, I promise that I won't tell anyone about your lab...and I understand if you don't feel that you can trust me right now, maybe we're just not there yet in our friendship. But... I promise you that when you're ready to tell me the reason why you want your lab to be a secret, I'll listen and I won't tell anyone... because I'll prove that I can be someone you can trust.
I know that we're friends, but I know that you don't trust me completely, I can see it in your eyes sometimes. I want you to trust me, but I can't make you, so... I don't know when and I don't know how, but I know that I will find a way to prove that you can trust me."

You blinked. You were at a loss for words. Seriously, how does one respond to something like that? Did he really believe that you didn't trust him? Wait. Did you trust him?
Not completely, but I trust him enough to know that he wouldn't hurt anyone

It's a sad, but understandable truth that you had to accept, but that didn't mean that you had to like it. This revelation made you feel awful, but there was something in his promise that made you feel worse. The fact that Varian, your friend, feels that he needs to prove himself worthy of your trust. That alone made you feel sick. It doesn't matter how long you both have known each other for, Varian is your friend and he shouldn't feel that he needs to prove himself worthy of anything. He's fine just the way he is, Varian being himself is enough for you. You had to let know this, the last thing you wanted was for your friend to actually believe that he isn't worthy of your trust.

"Varian. No. Just...no. don't you ever say that again. You don't need to prove anything. Not to me or anyone else, because even though I've only known you for 5 days, I know that you are a good person with a big heart. I mean... You care so much about helping your village, your father, and probably anyone else who might need help. Don't ever think so little of yourself, okay?"

He just looks at you in surprise, it's as if he didn't expect you to jump to his defense like that. Varian never had a friend before, but if this is what it's like, to feel warm inside and welcome, then he doesn't want to lose this.
He smiled as you continued.

"And... I just want you to know... I promise you that no matter what, I'm gonna have your back no matter what and whenever you need me I will be right there to help you in any way I can. I give you my word."

You made your promise and you were going to keep it. You meant every word of what you said and hoped that he believed you. One look at him is all it took for you to know that he believed you completely and you were gonna do whatever it took to not let him down. It was like you both had a conversation with just your eyes for a few moments. Then he spoke.

" So... This is my house..."

Varian gestures to the castle like building in front of you both. You had no words to describe how awesome it looked to you. He continued.

"Okay, so... ready to meet my dad?"

You looked straight into his eyes with a mixture of confidence and hesitation.

"Ready as I'll ever be"

A Dynamic Duo  (Varian x Reader) [Currently On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now