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'Hey it's Luke,' he texts me.

'How'd you get my number?' I ask.

'New girl, are you hinting that you don't want to talk to me?'

'Now that would be absurd,'I text back,'
but seriously.'

'Michael,' he replies.

'Oh,' I say,' he lives on my street.'

'I know,' he says,' I've been to both your and his house.'

'Right,' I say,' do you want to hang out today?'


'I'll come over around 2,' I tell him.

'Make it 1:30,' he says.


'I have to play golf with Harry. He's a fucking dick,' he says and I laugh.

'Well he is a dick,' I text,' but ask him if I can play for you.'

After 5 minutes he finally replies back,' he said sure.'

'Awesome,' I say,' i'll bring my golf stuff when I come over.'

'Damn you're such a loser,' he types.

'Takes one to know one,' I reply.

'Shut up loser,' he says.

'What ever major loser,'


'Loser,' I reply. We go on and on calling each other losers until i tell him that I've got to change.

"I'll be home later," I tell my mom.

"Okay," she says and I leave, grabbing my Longchamp handbag as I walk out the door and to my car. It's 1:20pm, so I am basically on time.

"Hi," I say when Luke's mom opens the front door when I ring the bell," I'm Jessica. Luke said we were going golfing?"

"Right," she says and looks me up and down," I'm Liz, Lucas' mother."

"It's great to meet you Liz," I say. I notice her beautiful bangle which happens to be the exact one I'm wearing right now," you have amazing taste in jewelry."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Your Michael Kors bangle," I say," I've got the same one."

"Oh thank you," she says," rose gold is always my favorite type of gold."

"Wow me too," I say being totally honest.

"Lucas actually bought me this for Mother's Day," she says and examines the buckle bangle.

"That's so sweet of him," I say and admire her sweet smile as she looks down at her bangle.

"Well, Jessica," she says," you seem like a good girl so please watch out for my son."

"Of course," I say," Luke is a friend and I'll always take care of him."

"Well thank you," she says and Luke comes outside.

"Bye mum," he says and I wave before walking away to my car.

"What were you guys talking about?" He asks.

"You," I answer honestly and pull out of his driveway.


"What else would we be talking about?" I say," it's not like your mom and I are secretly in a book club together and we were discussing the rest of the book outside the circle."

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