56- Ultimatum

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Song- 'Fool for you' by Zayn Malik

Nwanyieze's POV~

"What happened? Are you okay?"

He stands at the door, looking at me in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Dressed in grey sweatpants and a black cotton T-shirt, Maduka towers over me and this time, I feel slightly intimidated.

Something is wrong.

He didn't show up at my place, and his line has been switched off, even till now. Night has fallen, and we had spoken over three hours ago. I had hopped into a taxi and hurried here when it became clear that our date was cancelled without warning.

"Are you okay?" I repeat, stepping forward to touch his brow. He stands like a boulder, not moving, not even smiling. His temperature is normal, but I can sense the coldness emanating from him. "Is something wrong?"

"Please, do come in," he finally says.

Already, I am in my flight mode, internally shaking at the possibilities. But I follow him inside, where he politely offers me a seat. There, he hands me a brown envelope and sits on the chair across from me, watching. The setting reminds me of an interrogation.

Before I open the envelope, I look at him for a few moments, taking in his features. A shadow has come back to sit over his jaw, a bit longer this time than before. His hair is rough, not properly combed. His eyes, despite the silent anger in them, are tired.

"Saheed sent you this, didn't he?" I ask in a small voice.

"I don't know who sent them, but I'm sure they aren't photoshopped."

They're photos, then, I confirm. The one from his phone? The one Temi sent him in preparation for his pool party? But he said 'they', meaning it's more than one.

His name is boldly printed on the envelope in block letters. Raising the flap, I put a hand into it and pull out the photos carefully.

Saheed has outdone himself, I think with a gasp.

"You even reacted better than I did," Maduka says with a mirthless laugh.

"I can explain this," I say, struggling to be calm. Hysteria won't fix this, especially when he is being this calm himself.

"You can explain why you went out on a dinner date with Saheed. Without telling me. You can explain why, of all things, he is kissing you in those photos. And you can also explain, Nwanyieze, why you both look like you're on the set of some Fifty Shades movie."

"It was my intention to tell him in person that- that I wasn't leaving you-"

Another small laugh. "Well, that was very effective, wasn't it? And by the way, did you enjoy the fish and chips at Sailors Lounge?"

"Things got out of hand, he tore my transportation money, and I lost it. I lashed out and that was when he kissed me!"

I can't say it now. I can't say that I went because Saheed has a certain power over me, a certain power I know I can break free from if I come clean. But I don't want to break free, because it means I will lose him. On the other hand, I also know I can't keep doing this.

Maduka sighs. "We both know, that Saheed wants you. What I don't understand, is how you, with that knowledge, will allow yourself to get into such a thing with him. Are you that näive, Nwanyieze?" His eyes remain fixed on mine. It's like he's trying to look into my soul and see answers for himself.

"I'm sorry," I murmur. I lower my head to hide the tears forming in my eyes. I don't want this to sound like a sob story, I don't want to look weak.

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