Aaron Gordon

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I was currently walking to my plane with my wife, Vanessa, who is currently 8 and a half months pregnant with our daughter, Aliyah. "It'll be fine Vanessa, I'll be home before the baby arrives, I love you" I kissed her forehead then bent down to her swollen stomach. "Don't give mommy a hard time babygirl. Daddy loves you" I said as I felt her kick. "I love you too Aaron, goodbye" she said as I boarded the plane. As the plane was leaving, I saw Vanessa walking away. "God, please watch over my two girls" I prayed.

2 months later
No one's POV
It was a week before Christmas. A week after Aaron had left, Vanessa gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Aliyah. She looks a lot like Aaron.

Aaron had not yet returned from his trip because he had more games in LA

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Aaron had not yet returned from his trip because he had more games in LA. Vanessa decided to surprise him by showing up to his game, with Aliyah. It will be the first time Aaron will see his babygirl.

Vanessa POV
I just got off of the plane with Aliyah in my right arm and our luggage in my left. I walk to the front and a black limo pulls up. I got in and buckled Aliyah in as she fell asleep. It was really really cold outside so I put blankets around her and her tiny jacket. "Where to ma'am?" The limo driver asked, "Clippers and Magic please" I answered. Once we got there I met up with his coach in the back. "Ok we have a few minutes til half time, let's hurry up and do this" he says. We decided to put Aliyah in a big box while she was sleeping. The box is grey and is tied with pink ribbons and says "Merry Christmas To My Favorite Person" in cursive. "Alright it's time" he says, "thank you" I told him.

Aaron's POV
It was half time and I was sitting on the bench. "Before everyone goes home tonight after this game. We have a very special surprise for Orlando Magic's Aaron Gordon. So please come here Aaron" coach says and I walk to him. "Aaron here has been gone two months from his family in Orlando Florida... and has just became a dad a few months ago. Since he will not be able to spend time with his daughter's first Christmas, his wife Vanessa has sent him a letter and a gift." He handed me the letter and I read it out loud in the microphone.
Dear Aaron
It makes me sad that you will not be able to attend our daughter's first Christmas. Yet it makes happy to know that you're working hard for her and doing a great job in the NBA. Hopefully one day she'll be as successful as you. I always carry a piece of you in my arms, her name is Aliyah Desiree Gordon, she's two months old and looks exactly like you.
Love your one and only Vanessa.
Half way through the letter a woman placed a grey box with a pink ribbon on the ground next to me. I slowly open up the box and it was a miracle. A little girl with brown curly hair was sleeping peacefully in the large box. She had a white and pink banner that said Aliyah Desiree Gordon. I picked her up and placed her comfortably in my arms. I started to cry as I looked down at a little me. "She's beautiful isn't she?" Vanessa said walking to me. I hugged them both as Aliyah started to wake up. She had my chocolate brown eyes and my nose. "Hey princess" I said, "I'm your dad" I continued as she gave me a confused look. I grab Vanessa's hand, "c'mon let's show her to my family" I said. We introduced little Aliyah to my family, they fell in love with her. Later that night we went back to my hotel room and Aliyah and Vanessa slept like there was no tomorrow. I crawl into bed and place Aliyah on my chest and Vanessa rested her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around the both of them. "Thank you God for keeping my baby's safe" I said and fell asleep.

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