Seth Curry

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Sandra's POV
6 years old

Lora and I are at the airport waiting for Seth to get off the plane

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Lora and I are at the airport waiting for Seth to get off the plane. Seth leaves twice a month to go to his away games. He tells us to come along but I have work and Lora has school.
Lora: momma I don't see him.

Me: let's wait, maybe he's just taking his time and getting his stuff.
Seth comes out of a door and looks at us with a smile on his face. Lora and I ran to him and wrapped his arms around us.
Lora: dad what took you so long?

Seth: I had to look for my duffle bag because Mychel thought it was his so he took it.
We laughed and made our way back to the house. Lora went to her room to get her Monopoly game. She ran back out and placed it on the kitchen table.
Lora: I wanna play Monopoly.

Seth: or we can go to the park with uncle Steph and Riley and Ryan instead.

Lora: yay!!!
Lora went back to her room to put on her shoes.
Seth: you coming babe?

Me: no I'm not feeling well. I told Ayesha for Steph to drop her off here so we can talk.

Seth: what's wrong?
I looked up at him
Me: I'll tell you later.


Me and Ayesha are in the living room talking while Seth and Lora were at the park.
Ayesha: you haven't told Seth yet?

Me: nope not yet. I plan on telling him tonight.

Seth: you plan on telling me what tonight?
Seth walks into the living room with a sleepy Lora. Ayesha then walks out the house. I take Lora and put her to bed. As I shut her door Seth was looking at me from the living room.
Me: Seth we need to talk.
He nods and we sit on the couch.
Seth: what is it you wanna talk about?

Me: how would you like to have another baby?

Seth: that sounds great to have another kid. Why do you ask?

Me: I'm pregnant.

Seth: you're serious?! You mean like baby #2 is in your stomach right now?!

Me: yup.

Seth: what gender is it? How far along are you?

Me: I'm 5 months and I found out last week that it's a...boy!!!

Seth: a boy!!! We need to tell Steph and my family.
He called them and told them the news. I can hear Sonya and Sydel and Steph scream. I went to loras room and turned on her lights.
Me: Lora wake up baby, momma needs to tell you something.

Lora: what is it?

Me: you're gonna be a big sister to your new baby brother.

Lora: really oh my gosh!!! I'm so happy!!!
Seth runs in and we jump around with joy. We couldn't wait for our new addition to come to the real world.

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