Trayce Thompson

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I was waiting in the school parking lot for my son Tyson to come out but he never did.

I walk up to one of the teachers, "excuse me, but my son didn't come out the school" I said

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I walk up to one of the teachers, "excuse me, but my son didn't come out the school" I said. "That's strange, what's his name?" The man asked. "Tyson Thompson, he's in Pre-K" I said, he grabbed his walky talky. "We have a missing child by the name of Tyson Thompson, let me know if y'all find him" he said. "Let's check the playground maybe he's in there" he said. We looked around the playground but he wasn't there. I called my wife, Aliza, and she answered. "Hey babe, I need to tell you something, it's gonna sound a bit funny" I said. "Uh oh, what'd you do?" She asked, "Tyson... school" I said. "YOU LOST MY BABY?!" she yelled, "calm down Aliza, we're going to find him" I said. "You better find him" she said and hung up. We were going back inside til we heard crying. The crying was coming from the top of a red slide. I look up and it was Tyson curled up against the wall. "Hey Tyson, hey buddy, what's wrong?" I asked. "Dad" he jumped in my arms. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" I asked, he was crying on my shoulder. "I was trying to look for my jacket, then I tried to go back in but the doors were locked" he said, I patted his back to comfort him. "It's ok buddy, I'll get you a new one" I said and he nodded. "C'mon let's go home, mommy's worried about you" I said. I walked to the car and placed him in his car seat. By the time we got home, he was fast asleep. I carried him in and saw Aliza walk to me. "Oh thank God he's ok. I'll take him to bed while you eat and shower" she said and took him upstairs. I ate and took my warm, relaxing shower. I got out the shower and walked to Tyson's room where Aliza was sitting by his bed tucking him in and giving him a kiss goodnight. "Goodnight baby" she said. I walk to them and give him a kiss too, "goodnight Ty, mommy and daddy love you" I say and turn off his lights and walk to our room. "Thank you for finding our son, I don't know what I'll do without him" she said getting into bed. "You're welcome, I'd do anything to save my family" I say and peck her lips. She curled up against me and fell asleep.

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