Stephen Curry

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I ran up and down the court with the two 30 lb sandbags for the 10th time.

"Do it again" Steph said for the hundredth time.

"I've done it already dad, my feet and arms hurt. It's 9 o'clock at night I haven't showered or eaten dinner and I have school tomorrow." Sadori said.

"Well this is what happens when you miss five shots. C'mon 5 more" Steph said.

"That's what you always say then it's another 10 more and it keeps on going." Sadori said.

The two keep on going at it till someone clears their throat. They turn their heads to see Klay and Ayesha walking up to them.

"Hey Uncle Klay, hey Ayesha" sadori said.

"Hey Sadori, so what did I miss?" Klay asked.

"Nothing" Sadori said and ran to her room.

Steph sighed and sat down on the backyard court. Klay and Ayesha sat down on both sides of him.

"All I'm trying to do is make her better and guide her to the limit" Steph said.

"We know but I think in her mind it's just you pushing her to the limit. She has so much soccer stuff going on that I don't think she has enough time for basketball or us. I know she's going through a lot because she just lost her mother in a horrific car accident two days ago." Ayesha said.

Steph nods his head and Klay pulls out a folded up piece of paper and hands it to Steph.

"What's this?" Steph asked.

"Sadori dropped it in my house over the weekend when I was watching her while y'all went on vacation. You need to read it." Klay said.

Steph opened the note and read it out loud.

Dear mom
I know you can't read this but I wrote it anyway. Since you passed life has been crazy. I got used to seeing you every weekend. Dad's gotten a lot tougher on me though. I remember the good times when he used to take me to the candy store and we came out with two bags of candy. Now he pushes me everyday and I feel like soon my legs are going to break in half. Everyone misses you. Uncle Klay always brags about how much he loves you, after all you are his twin sister. I'm just worried that if I get to the point where I'm going to commit suicide and dad won't care.
Love Sadori

By the last sentence Steph started crying. Sadori meant everything in the world to him. Right now she is taking a shower while thinking about their argument. Steph, Ayesha and Klay walk inside. Ayesha starts dinner while the men watched game recaps.

"Kids time to eat!" Ayesha yelled.

Riley and Ryan run downstairs while the men served themselves.

"Where's Sadori?" Riley asked.

Ayesha shrugged as she served the two little girls.

"I'll go check on her." Steph said.

Steph goes to his oldest child's room and knocks on the door.

"Dori time to eat" Steph said.

Sadori did not answer which worried Steph. Steph opened the door and peeked his head in. Sadori fell asleep on her bed so Steph walked over and covered her up.

2 hours later

Sadori wakes up and goes to the kitchen. Steph happened to be in the kitchen, getting him a glass of orange juice. Sadori not wanting to talk, she grabbed a water bottle and went back to her room. Steph sighs and follows his daughter to her room. He opens the door and closes it. He walks over to her bed and sat on the edge and rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry dad" Sadori said.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the terrible one here." Steph said.

"Because I know you want me to get better but I can't because I'm just so exhausted. I feel like I let you down so much." Sadori said.

"No no no baby, you never let me down. You make me look like a great dad in front of everyone. I'm sorry for pushing you so hard. I don't ever want you to leave me or this family. You are great role model to your brother and sisters. You're very precious to me and I love you." Steph said.

"Truce?" Sadori said.

"Truce young fella" Steph said.

The two hug each other and go downstairs to have father daughter time.

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