Aaron Gordon

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Ally POV
Today is my 4th birthday and aunt Elisabeth, uncle Drew, grandma and grandpa are taking me to the park. Daddy isn't here because he's in Toronto for a week. I played as they were all watching me.

Aaron POV
Today's my daughter's birthday and I'm heading home. I was supposed to have a game today but it was delayed. I wanted to surprise Ally by randomly showing up. I got my phone and put Elisabeth on FaceTime to make sure they aren't home.
hey Elisabeth

Hey Aaron, where you at?

At home getting dressed, I need to go get Ally a gift then I'll be over there. Where is she?

Ally's right here, wanna talk to her?

Elisabeth walked off to go get Ally. She was playing hide and seek with her friends.

Ally, daddy wants to talk to you?

Ally's face lit up when she seen me on the screen.


hey beautiful, whatcha doing?

Playing hide and seek with Crystal.

cool, you having fun?

Yes. Daddy when are you coming back?

just two more days kiddo.

Oh ok.

Ally started getting sad and it made me hurt to see her upset.
baby look at me. I don't want you to be sad on your birthday. When I come home I'll make it up to you.

You promise?

I promise, I have to go. Happy birthday.
I hung up as I went to the store. I got Ally a few outfits, shoes and toys. I drove to the park they were at and went to Drew.
Me: where's Ally?

Drew: she's at the ice cream stand with Elisabeth, c'mon.
I followed Drew to the ice cream stand and Elisabeth was eating ice cream at one of the tables with Ally. I quietly walked behind Ally. I picked her up and she jumped. She started to cry and she hugged me tightly.
Me: why you crying?

Ally: because I missed you.

Me: aww I missed you too baby girl.

put Ally down and gave her the gifts. She was very happy. The rest of the day I played with her and we had a blast.

2 hours later
Ally's POV
Daddy and I are at home watching TV in his room. As we were watching Disney Channel someone came through the door. It was strange because everyone was at home and mommy was in New York. It was a tall, skinny lady with green eyes, brown hair...that lady was my mommy. I guess this is my second surprise today.

Mommy: I'm home! Anyone miss me?!
Daddy and I ran downstairs as quick as possible. Unfortunately I beat him to her.
Me: mommy!!!
Mommy kneeled down and embraced me.
Mommy: hey Al, happy birthday.
Mommy handed me a box and I opened it. Inside the box was a brown and white bulldog puppy.
Me: thank you mommy!
I walked over to daddy and showed him the new puppy.
Me: look daddy, mommy got me a new puppy! I'mma name her Angel!
He smiled and I played outside with the new puppy.

Aaron's POV
Joanna and I were watching Ally play outside with her new friend.
Joanna: I can't believe our baby is already 4 years old.

Me: I know right, it seems like she was just born yesterday.

Joanna: I remember the day I had her. You were gone because of your game. You made me stay with your parents and sister the whole time you were gone.

Me: well someone had to be there for you when I'm not there.

Joanna: true. I remember calling you when I went into labor. Luckily you made it in time.

Joanna's POV
Elisabeth was rushing me to the hospital because my water broke. Her parents were following us. As soon as we got inside the nurses rushed me to the nearest room. After an hour the doctor came in.

Dr: alright Mrs Gordon you are dilated 10 cm, it's time to push.
Before I could start pushing, Aaron rushed in and held my hand.
Dr: 3...2...1 and push!
After 2 hours of excruciating pain, our baby girl was finally out of me. I watched as the nurses cleaned her up and Aaron cut the cord. The nurses handed her to me first. She had Aaron's nose and lips but had my eyes.
Me: she's beautiful.

Aaron: I can't believe she's already here.
I then handed her over to Aaron and he nearly cried. Aaron's family came in and they all held Alexandra. Then my mom and little brother came in.
Mom: you did a great job Joanna, I'm so proud of you. Your father would've been very happy to see his granddaughter right now.

Me: thanks mom. Dad will be watching Alexandra from the sky.
Jordan walked up to me with a silly smile.
Jordan: I have the perfect nickname for Alexandra. Alexandra's nickname will be lil Lele.

Me: I'm not nicknaming my daughter that. It sounds like some Asian rapper.

Aaron's mom: Lex?

Aaron: Alex?

Drew: Lexi? Lexa?

Elisabeth: Andy? Al?

Jordan: how about-

Me: I'm not letting you choose the nickname Jordan.

Mom: Ally?

Me: Ally sounds great, Alexandra Gordon. Ally Gordon.

Aaron: it fits.
Later we went home that night and I fell asleep once I got home.

Aaron's POV
Joanna fell asleep on the bed. I was in the living room with Ally. Soon night came and I carried Ally to her room that was right next to ours. I opened the door and felt the cold breeze come from inside because her air conditioner was on. Not only that but I was also shirtless and just had on my sweatpants. I layed Ally in her crib and watched her fall asleep. I walked back into our room and layed in bed.
Joanna: you're gonna be the world's greatest dad one day.

Me: and you're gonna be the world's greatest mom one day.
Joanna cuddle with me and we fell asleep. Today was a very eventful day.

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