Chapter One: Everybody Has Family Issues

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Chapter One: Everybody Has Family Issues

Let me tell you something - jobs suck. Seriously, how the hell can adults do it for eight to ten hours straight? I can barely make it four hours without wanting to drop dead.

The little bell thing on top of the front door ringed, announcing the entry of either a customer, a kidnapper, a robber or one of my best friends. I looked up and saw the entry of some random customers, with a girl with collar length blonde hair trailing behind them. Of course, it was the only blonde girl that I personally knew. Liv James. Her real name's Olivia Kara James, but call her anything but Liv and she'll bite your head off.

She grinned at me when she saw my exhausted self behind the counter, taking a customer's order, then walked over.

"That'll be 5.95." I told the customer, giving her order to the barista, Melanie. The customer nodded and went to wait for her order.

If I forgot to mention, I worked at this quaint little coffee shop in the downtown area called which was usually full, just like it was today. I loved it because it had this relaxing vibe too it, when working here was almost never relaxing. Even if you were completely stressed out, your body somehow felt relaxed. No wonder why this was such a popular study place for kids my age - but I preferred studying with my best friend Callum, so I usually never studied here.

"Hey, stranger." Liv said once she got too the display case which was completely filled with the most delicious treats on the face off the earth - from chocolate cake to chocolate croissants, they were all amazing.

I sighed. "What do you want Liv? You know I always work until four."

She rolled her eyes at me playfully. "Yeah, and that's like in two minutes."

"What's your point?" I asked, the stress evident in my tone.

She rolled her eyes at me again, this time annoyed. "Did you forget that I'm your ride home?"

I silently cursed, remembering that my car was still in the shop, after the transmission thing broke or something. Eli and Nick had told me that it would probably be ready by next week, and that seriously bummed me out. My car is kind of like my baby, and not having it meant having to take rides from Liv, which is horrible because her car is literally full of random beauty items scattered all over the floor and she forces me too listen to bubblegum pop the whole twenty minute ride from the coffee shop to my house. A person can hear only so pop music much before they go insane.

No wonder Liv's sanity jumped out a window and hauled ass to Timbuktu a long time ago.

"No, more like praying to God that you'd forget." I muttered, low enough that I was sure that Liv didn't hear me.

I sighed once again, then turned towards the back room. Taking off my apron and throwing it on the little couch there, I grabbed my phone off the floor where I had left it charging, picked my backpack off the floor and went back out again. Liv was still standing on the same spot, on her phone like always. And she said I didn't socialize.

"C'mon Liv, I can't be late for dinner tonight." I told her, slightly pulling on her arm so she'd get the message and hurry up. Taking her eyes off her phone for the first time, probably since I left the room, she looked at me and nodded, already half way out the door.

"Mel! I'm leaving!" I hollered at her, following Liv's lead.

"Okay! See ya tomorrow, Mals!" she said, smiling at me. I waved before I walked out the door, but I have no idea if she waved back because I was sprinting towards Liv, who was already in her car somehow. How she walked from the café to her car (which was parked across the street) that fast? I don't have a clue.

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