Chapter Two: Everybody Parties

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Chapter Two: Everybody Parties

I've reached the conclusion that Liv was delirious. A party? Really? We both knew my mom would freak if she found out I was going to a party, especially since she was one of those kind of overprotective moms that background checked all her child's teachers before taking me on my first day of kindergarten. The woman was obsessed with Hailey and I's safety, and would never in a million years let either of us go to a full blown high school party.

are you crazy?!, I quickly responded.

im pretty sure that im not – why

because u know very well that my mom would never let me go.

but it's ethan smyth's party!

Ethan Smyth? The Ethan Smyth?! His parties were legendary – well according to most people since I've never been to one – and were usually filled with fun. And alcohol.

c'mon! u know u want to go!

I did really want to go, but knowing my mom I'd never get a chance.

of course I wanna go! if I could I'd run all the way to your house right now so we could go. but I can't – mostly because it's cold out and I don't like running, but the biggest issue is my mom.

I was sure she wouldn't have a comeback for that one. When it came to things my mother believed, there was nothing anybody could do to change her mind. Jesus himself could come from Heaven and tell her to let me go to the party, and she still wouldn't budge. The woman was a stubborn as an ox, a trait I got very much thanks to her. There was nothing Liv could do for me; I knew I wasn't going to that party.

Then she replied, why don't u just sneak out?

how the fuck am I gonna sneak out? jump out my two-story window and break my leg? yeah no thanks.

Ok..... maybe not the best idea why don't you just lie?

That's would work. Lie to my mom about where I'm going, tell her I'll stay at Liv's for the night and come home tomorrow as if nothing happened. That was actually brilliant. Only on small issue: I suck at lying. Always have, probably always will. Everybody's always been able to see through my lies, except the rare case when a person kind of believed me.

My phone beeped, indicating that I had received yet another text from Liv.

never mind, u suck at lying.

I rolled my eyes. gee... thanks

what? you absolutely suck at lying. but that means there's absolutely nothing we can do to get to you to that party.

I sighed, accepting there was no way in hell that I was going to that party.

Then an idea popped inside my brain.

Why not ask Nick to go instead? He always let Eli go out to parties, so why wouldn't he let me? I'm his step-daughter; he could give me permission to go places. Well... I think he could. Could he?

what if I asked nick instead? I quickly sent Liv.

She took a couple minutes to reply, probably thinking about the pros and cons for this, then sent, that actually might work!

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