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"You can't really blame me for fainting, I mean that thing almost did kill me

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"You can't really blame me for fainting, I mean that thing almost did kill me. Oh, shove off!" Frankie pushed the two thirteen year olds out of her way and sped up ignoring the group. Sulking a few feet away, Frankie felt her cheeks burn. She was embarrassed. Not only did she faint in probably the worst case scenario ever, but, she fainted and landed on top a group of kids four years younger than her. Luckily, she did land on them and not the hard metal of the bottom of the bus, but she would have liked to have not fainted at all in the first place. It was all in all the most embarrassed she's ever felt in her life, even more embarrassed than the time she was learning how to drive and ran over Dustin's bicycle. Thankfully, the then ten year old jumped off the two wheeler before she pulverized the shiny metal. It was a horrific experience and to be quite honest, she never thought she would experience a worse moment. She was wrong.

Stopping as the three children of the group got into a fight, Frankie rolled her eyes as another pointless argument occurred. Those monsters could be back any second, and these kids were arguing about some party. She would never understand Dustin and his friends. Folding her arms, she was about to chew the group out, when Steve started shouting.

"Guys!" Turning to where Steve began running, Frankie's mind began to hurt trying to figure out why all the boys were running towards the sound in the distance. It sounded like groans, like a ghost was in the woods, and she just knew it was the monster dogs causing more trouble. Watching the boys run farther into the woods, she looked up silently begging to not get killed before running after them, Max following.

Running up to a clearing high above more of the forest, the brunette sucked in a large breath trying to maintain her breathing. No one else was troubled by the run which went to show how unfit she was. Grabbing a bottle of water from her backpack, she took down a huge gulp before offering some to the rest of the group. They ignored her so she just threw it back into her bag, waiting for somebody to decide what to do next.

"It's the lab." Lucas whispered looking into his binoculars.

"They were going back home." Narrowing her eyes at the younger boy, Frankie felt that she was missing something.

"Does anybody else feel like they're missing something?" She asked glaring at the group in front of her. Tilting her head to the side, she waited patiently for someone to explain what the heck was going on. Living in Hawkins her entire life, Frankie was used to the guarded up laboratory that was built after World War II. Assuming that the lab was created to control the energy of the surrounding area all her life, she felt that that wasn't the case as she gazed into Dustin's guilty eyes.

"Tell me what the fuck is going on before I drag you back to your house Dustin Elizabeth Henderson!" She forced out menacingly taking powerful steps forward.

"My middle names not Elizabeth."

"Besides the point!"

Chest to chest, the older girl narrowed her eyes, not moving an inch. Dustin who felt his bladder about to explode from how scared he was, tried to back up only to have Frankie continue to tower over him. Caving into her threatening words, he tried to look anywhere except her eyes which were lit with fire.

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