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"Where are you?"

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"Where are you?"

Trying to make up some kind of lie off the top of her head, Frankie was stuck. Sure, she could tell her mom the truth on how she's at the Byers' house with all the kids, the chief, and Steve Harrington, but she didn't think her mom would like the sound of that. Glancing at Jonathan kneeling down in front of an unconscious Will, she decided that maybe some of the truth would be okay. She wouldn't exactly be lying so if her mom did find out what was really going on, she'd totally be in the clear. Right?

"I'm at the Byers." She said softly into the phone. Twirling the cord around her finger, she waited patiently for her mom to start having a meltdown.

"W-what, why would you be at the Byers? Are you hanging out with Joyce's son? You better not be doing what I think you're doing Franny! I thought you were babysitting Dustin. Are you lying to me? I'm going to call Claudia right now!" Pulling the phone away from her ear, she let her mom continue with her rant knowing that was the only way for her to calm down. Seeing Dustin walk past her, she quickly grabbed onto the back of his shirt pulling him towards her essentially choking the thirteen year old.

"Talk to my mom!" She whispered, shoving the phone into his hands before speed walking to the sink. Splashing some water on her warm cheeks, Frankie couldn't believe what her mom said. She really thought she snuck off to have sex with Jonathan Byers?! Her mom was getting old if she thought she'd tell the truth of where she was if she was really doing that. Shaking her head, she walked back to Dustin who was nervously chatting away with her mom.

"Give me it." She said, pulling the phone out of his hands and listening to her mom talking about wolves or something.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" She asked exasperatedly wanting the phone call to end as soon as possible. No one loved their mom more than Frankie loved Denise, but she had more pressing matters to deal with. Like the fact that Will Byers was laying a mere ten feet away from her unconscious and possessed by the owner of the monsters that almost killed her earlier. Yeah, as much as she loved and even missed her mom at this moment, she needed to deal with whatever was going on right now.

"The wolves in the forest by our house! I heard them earlier when I was coming home. I called the station to tell them they were too close to us, but Flo said the Chief was out today. I hope he's doing okay, you know how we all worry about him ever since last year-"

"Mom, I'm sure the chief is fine," He's actually sitting in Joyce's bedroom right now, she wanted to say, "but really, I have to get back to Dustin, he's acting like a wild animal right now!" She said, smirking at the fuming kid sitting at the table with the rest of the group. Winking at the curly haired boy, she went back to making up an excuse to her mom. "I'll be home later mom, I love you!"

"I love you too, pumpkin."

Placing the phone back onto the receiver, she took one last look at the plastic before going to sit down. She'd be home soon, there was no doubt about it. Chief Hopper would come up with a plan, they'd save Will, and that'll be that. No surprises, no worries, no problem. Rolling her eyes at how pathetic she sounded in her head, she plopped down onto one of the chairs that was in front of the spot Steve was leaning against. It was like he was saving her the seat. Everyone was quiet and sat in silence. Frankie could only try to guess what everyone was thinking.

DONT FUCK WITH THE BABYSITTER ♡ STEVE HARRINGTON (1)Where stories live. Discover now