Chapter VI

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Jisoo went home feeling her whole world slowly crashing down when she saw the results. So, that's why she's been forgetting things because she unfortunately inherited her mom's disease.
She sat on her couch and stared at the TV blankly.

Alzheimer's disease. There's no cure for that disease yet.

"Am I gonna die early? Will I totally forget about everything sooner or later?" Jisoo thought.

She got back to her senses when she heard her phone ringing up. It was Jennie.

"Hey, babe. Are you at your apartment already?" Jennie asked through the phone.

"Uh, yes. I arrived home 10 minutes ago." Jisoo said.

"Okay, see you. I'll be there in a few." Jennie said as she hung up.

She's contemplating and battling with her min right now. Would she tell about Jennie about it? She's afraid Jennie might leave her because of it.

"You seemed really in deep thought that you didn't notice I arrived." Jennie smiled and pecked on Jisoo's lips.

"Hi, Jendeukie." Jisoo gave a warm smile.

"I bought some pizza and soda." Jennie said showed off the plastic bags. Jisoo giggled.

"Why are you drowning yourself from your thoughts?" Jennie asked and took a  bite on her pizza.

"Well, the result is out." Jisoo turned serious.

Jennie sipped on her drinks first while anticipating Jisoo's words.

"And I was diagnosed with" Jisoo paused amd sighed looking down.

"Alzheimer's." Jisoo smiled sadly.

Jennie lost her grip on her drink and her soda was now scattered on the floor. She was shocked.

"Did I misheard it? Y-you're joking, right? Chu?" Jennie forcing herself to laugh. Not really want to believe Jisoo.

"It's true, Jen. I'm not joking." Jisoo held the latter's hands.

"W-why? I mean, how come? You're too young." Jennie said unbelievably.

"My case is a rare one because as you said, I'm still young. That's my fate." Jisoo said.

Jennie pulled Jisoo closer to her and hugged the girl tightly. She's helping herself not to cry.

"Out of all people, why you?" Jennie broke down. She hid her face on Jisoo's neck.

"I don't know. No one knows. Hush now, Jendeukie. I can get through this." Jisoo said.

"We'll get through this." Jennie replied.

"Should we start writing our own bucket list or crazy list? I want to spend and experience many crazy moments with you until I'll totally lose my memories. We'll take a picture every moment, we're going to write what happened. So, that, when I'll forget you, forget about us, atleast that would help me to recognize you, us." Jisoo said while wiping Jennie's tears from her cheeks.

"Hey, don't say that. You'll not going to forget about me, about us. No." Jennie said.

"Even though my mind would eventually forget about you. My heart would find away to remember you, my love."

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