The Boy Next Door (Graser10 FF)

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New Beginnings


Author here, i just want to say I know nothing about Graser except the obvious he is a Minecraft youtuber that I am obsessed with. I am just going off of what I imagine him to be like and that is is....yes there will be some [arts throughout the story that get pretty heated, and i will leave cliff hangers...ther my specialty! Hope you enjoy!

Oh and P.S. I don't like the fairytales where everyone lives happily ever after in a big wonderful world where everything is perfect because its not the real world.


"Hi, I'm Andrea, but you can call me Andy."

"Hi, Andy." Everyone says in usion

"I'm just like you here because i was forced to by my family because they believe I'm drepressed and suicidal. Well they were right about on thing i am depressed but i havn't been suicidal since i was 11," They clap and someone yells praise, " Yeah a young age to be depressed right? Well not if you went through what i have. I would tell you but this is the last meeting I'm gonna attend so I'm not going to tell you my full story. What i will tell you is my mom died when i was 11 and that's how it all started. I've cut before, never actually attempted suicide, but i have cried myself to sleep, pasted out in the shower because of hyperventilating, and even drink away my pain. No i am not 21 yet im only 17...."

As i finished a few were in tears, even I was in tears.

A guy maybe 20 something stood up and asked "Why is this your last meeting?"

I stood there tears streaming down my face and makeup probably a mess and anwsered with a simple "I'm actually moving away from here as far away as i can, Canada."

"Why Canada?"

"For a new beginning, and I've heard people are real nice up there."

-_-_-_-_-_- Time skip to the day of moving -_-_-_-_-_-

Last day of being in this stupid god awful town with all the bad memories. I thought to myself as i take the last of the posters off my once covered wall. As i walk the last of my stuff to my truck my friends Anna and Bri come up behind me with a book.

"Aw you didn't have to you know that right, I'm gonna be back during Christmas!" I say as they hand ma scrapbook with all of our faces on the cover.

"Yeah we know but we just wanted you to know how much we love you and that were gonna miss you!" Anna said

"I love you guys your gonna have to visit you know that right. Bri stop being so quiet and don't you cry because I'm leaving. Anna is still gonna be here."

All of a sudden i felt someone wrap their arms around me and a lips on my cheek and i automatically smile and turn around.

"Babe!" I screamed as he lifted me off my feet and i wrap my legs around his waist.




"You weren't gonna leave without saying good bye to me were you?" Leo said while kissing me

"Never. I would miss you even more if I didn't"

As he sat me down i walk around to the side of side and opened the door. I looked back with tears in my eyes and everyone even Leo was crying. I grabbed Anna and Bri and hugged them as tight as i could and told them "We'll see each other again soon ok?"

"Leo, I love you..."

"I almost forgot!" He screamed cutting me


"Princess I almost forgot you let me keep her for the night!"

Oh my god Princess how could i forget her I've her since she was a puppy, I already had my cat asleep in his cage.

-_-_-_-_- TIME SKIP BECAUSE WHY NOT -_-_-_-_-

As i pass the sign that says "Welcome To North Dakota" my stomach starts to rumble. "I guess your getting hungry to huh?" I say i was look over at Princes. "Well i guess we should go get some food. Pizza sound good?" Princess started barking with excitement since pizza is our favorite food. I pull of at the insection and find the nearest Pizza Hut. I grab my phone and purse once parked and go inside and order a small Hawaiian pizza. As i wait i go on Twitter to see what's new. Graser still being his robot self. Tybzi and Dul bein cute as always. Bayani is live streaming to bad I can't watch while driving oh well another time i guess.

I hopped back in the truck and princess looked at me with her puppy dog eyes "Okay, okay here ya go hun." i said while giving her my crust, I got it stuffed because I know she likes stuff crust pizza(i spoil my dog ok?).

I start the truck and Blown Away comes on the radio, my favorite song, so i turn it up and start singing to it. About 2 hours later i finally reached to bored that separates me from my old life to my new one. I hand the man my passport and he lets me through after a few questions.

This is it. My new beginning.

The Boy Next Door (Graser10 FF)Where stories live. Discover now