Chapter Twenty

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"When you said meet your parents, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind." Enoch told her as he followed Jeanette out of the grave yard and back towards the house.

"Well, Enoch things are seldom as they seem." She told him with a small shrug, glancing up at the full moon, which lit their path for them. "And you know my parents are dead."

"I thought you had used some of that magic stuff you told us about." He answered, she stopped dead and turned to look at him.

"Were you expecting me to kill you Enoch?" She asked, sounding slightly upset, his eyes widened.

"Of course not!" He sounded slightly horrified.

"Magic can only be used for bad deeds Enoch. For a moment I feared you thought ill of me." She answered, holding her heart.

He took her hands and held them in his own, they fitted perfectly. She felt safe in his hands, a feeling she did not often have. "Not of you, never of you." He told her, she reached up and pressed her lips to his, lightly kissing him, before stepping back and smiling at him.

"We should get back." She told him, he kissed her again.

Pulling apart, the two looked at each other with a smile, both jumping as a lightning strike hit the grass next to them, and a women appeared.

"What have you done to my Blitzer?" She asked angrily.

"Who?" Enoch asked, Jeanette looked at him in worry.

"You call him Josef." She spat. "What have you done? Why does he think he's in love? Why does he want to go back here?"

"Josef is very dear to us. He is in love with one of our company and he is part of our family. I beg you miss, please bring him back to us." Jeanette told the woman.

"You think you can look after my child?" She scoffed.

"I have looked out for Josef since he arrived at our home." Jeanette answered stonily.

"How do I change his mind?" She asked.

"The heart wants what it wants." Enoch said, with a glance at Jeanette. "Believe me."

"I should never have sent him away." With that she was gone in another flash of lightning.

"Who's Josef in love with?" Enoch asked.

"I can't believe you haven't noticed!" Jeanette exclaimed.

"Noticed what?" Enoch asked, Jeanette shook her head at him.

"Think about it Enoch." She told him. His eyes widened.

"Oh!" He realised.

"Come on, the others need to know what we have witnessed." Jeanette told him.

"Should we tell them now?" Enoch asked, she nodded at once.

"They must know." She answered.

When they had reached the house and gathered in the living room, albeit bleary eyes and grumbling. Jeanette told them everything about her and Enoch's meeting with Josef's mum.

"You mean he's okay?" Horace asked hopefully. Jeanette nodded at once.

"That is what we gather." She told him.

"So will she send him back?" Caspar asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"We do not know." Enoch told the boy.

"Thank you for waking up to listen, and as you're all tired, I'm sure you'll appreciate being able to go back to bed." Jeanette announced, everyone but Jeanette, Enoch and Horace made their way upstairs.

"Jenny do you have any more information?" Horace asked hopefully.

"I told you all I know, I'm sorry Horace." She patted the blonde's arm comfortingly.

"Thank you, I'm glad you told me all you could." He nodded to her. "He hasn't appeared in my dreams yet, I was getting anxious."

"Perhaps you can dream a better outcome." Jeanette suggested with a small smile.


At last only Enoch and Jeanette remained, and just as she was about to go upstairs, he stopped her.

"Have you seen the stars tonight." He asked her, but she shook her head.

"No, only the moon." She answered.

"If you look closely past the bright light of the moon, you can see them." He told her.

"It's beautiful." She saud in wonder as the stars became clearer to her.

"When I was a child and I couldn't sleep, I used to watch the stars." He told her, she smiled, imagining a younger Enoch watching the skies in wonder. "See there, a shooting star!"

Both made a wish, although not aloud, and it wasn't until they had both turned to go to bed, that a weak lightning strike appeared in the sky, disappearing in a flash.

And no one knew it was there, or what it had brought.

A strange peculiarity || Enoch O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now