Chapter Twenty Four

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Josef had done it, he had finally escaped, again

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Josef had done it, he had finally escaped, again. each time he had tried to leave, to go back to his friends, his 'mother' had stopped him. He wasn't sure whether she was really his mother or not, he didn't trust her in any case, but his siblings certainly seemed to look like him. She was intent on calling them by the names she had given them, but she seemed to slowly becoming accustomed to calling them by the names they knew.  

No one had followed him, yet. Josef sighed and pulled himself up off the floor, wincing at the all too noticeable scorch mark on the floor. He shook his head and ran, he had to find his family, his new friends and Horace. apart for a few days since meeting and Josef already missed him, and it hurt like hell not to be able to find him.

He ran, he ran as fast as he could, trying desperately to put distance between him and the place he had landed. He reached a large forest as two strikes of lightning appeared behind him.

"Josef!" It was his only elder sibling, Klaus. He shook his head and tried to go faster, he was almost out of their line of sight when he was hit in the back with an intense amount of electricity, more then he had the capacity to use. He hit the ground at once, yelling out in pain.

"Horace!" Josef called out feebly, hoping at least Horace might dream this and help him.

"Josef you have to stop, she'll just keep punishing you, we've all missed you." Klaus ran to his side and warned him gravely. Josef shook his head.

"I have to find him." He told the older boy, they were almost the same height, a thing Klaus was not a fan of. Josef slowly got up.

"You really love him." Klaus sighed, but he grabbed Josef's arm in case he tried to run. 

"I do." Josef sighed. "Klaus please." 

"I'm sorry." Klaus murmured, Josef frowned, wondering what he meant, until he saw his mother reach them, his eyes widened, last time she had put him into solitary confinement for a week, it had been painful.

"Blitz- Josef, sweetheart, stop this, you won't find your friends, just come back." She said, it was false, it was all false, none of them were happy there, they were all kept there against their will, and Josef was desperate not to let it happen to him.

"No, I'm not going back!" Josef argued defiantly. Klaus pulled him back away from her slightly.

"L- Klaus hold him still, I'll have to erase his mind." She said, Klaus let go of Josef's arm in shock. 

"No! You can't do that, you said you wouldn't do it again." He argued, Josef was confused, and when his mother grabbed hold of him, putting a hand on either side of his face. he was hit with a huge amount of electricity, he screamed. It only stopped when Klaus hit the woman with a lightning strike and forced her away from him. "Josef, run!" 

"Klaus, what about-" Josef began, but Klaus cut him off.

"I'll be fine, go, find him." Klaus answered. "Don't forget about me little brother." 

Josef was unexpectedly brought into a hug from the other boy, and then he ran, glancing back only once to see the two engaged in battle.

His head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds, but he kept on running. He had to keep on running, Klaus had saved him and he couldn't let that go in vain, he just wished he knew where to find Horace and the others.

"Josef?" He knew that voice, he stopped, looking around in confusion, he couldn't quite put his finger on who it was. "Josef." 

Turning around, Josef saw Ethan stood in the shade of a tree, looking very smug. He was well dressed, in a blue suit, his hair combed back neatly.

"Ethan? What are you doing here? I thought you were... evil." Josef said plainly.

"That was... blunt." Ethan told him.

"Yeah, I erm, I need to go." He said quickly.

"I'm sure you can spare a few minutes." Ethan told him. Josef wasn't sure what he was planning or what he was going to do.

"I don't want any trouble Ethan, I just want to find the others." Josef told him, he was trying to edge away, but Ethan was watching him closely.

"So do I, and I, like you am eager to see my love again." Ethan was almost smiling, he reminded Josef of a shark and it was freaking him out.

"That's not love." Josef answered quietly, remembering when they had found Leo's frozen body.

"What?" Ethan demanded.

"You almost killed him, how can you say you love him, yet willingly freeze him, almost taking his life away?" Josef knew he was overstepping a mark, but he had to get his voice heard.

"I didn't want to kill him, I panicked, I was going to bring him with me." Ethan said, Josef almost felt sorry for him.

"I don't know where they are." He said.

"I know, and you'll probably never find them." Ethan sounded sad for him. Josef frowned and took a step back.

"I don't, what?" He asked with a confused expression.

"This might hurt." Josef saw a blast of ice coming towards him, he sighed out of the way and sent a strike of electricity back.

They carried on in this manner, taking it in turns to take shots at each other, but Josef was already tired and he couldn't keep it up. He got hit and went down with only two shots.

"Horace." He could barely manage a whisper as he felt his body slowly freezing. "I'm sorry."

His eyes closed slowly and he only wished he had gotten further on time.

It was the middle of the night, but Enoch was still awoken by Horace's scream. It was one word, but the fear for the boy behind the scream terrified Enoch.


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