Change happens.

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Change happens. Maxine Mayfield has learnt to accept that. She had accepted when life changes to death, clutching her mother's black dress as she watched her father's coffin being lifted. She had accepted when loneliness changes to love, clutching her mother's bouquet as she watched her walk the aisle hand in hand with Neil Hargrove. She had accepted when kindness changes to anger, clutching her bruised wrist as she watched her stepfather's blurry outline fade away. And she had accepted when California changes to Hawkins, clutching her skateboard as she watched the kids in the hallway whirl past her. But the hardest change she had been forced to accept was the change of friendships. Max was now seventeen, meaning that four years ago she had lost her closest friends, four years ago she had lost her party. Because of her supposed anger issues.

Four years ago, Billy had told her mom and stepfather about the spiked bat incident but conveniently left out details. Max had tried to explain, but a story about demo-dogs was hard to tell, so she kept quiet. Initially she was to move for a few weeks, causing a tearful goodbye from everyone in the party, except Mike who still for some reason was moody with her, maybe he liked the thrill of spiting Max. But the few weeks became a few months, and months became years until Max was finally allowed to move back to Hawkins to complete the last two years of her education.

So here Max was, once again the new kid as she had been four years ago. She like before, tapped her fingers nervously on her skateboard, swallowing down the nervousness that had begun to squeeze her throat. Max sighed and made her way towards the principal's office, a common hangout for her four years ago. "Maxine, it's good to have you back" the old man began. Max smiled at him dutifully. "I hope you're feeling well, since your first class in 10 minutes" the headteacher continued, handing Max her timetable. Max felt a sting of nervousness in her stomach, and out of habit held her skateboard closer to her. "I'll show you to your locker, where you can store that safely" the man said gesturing towards her skateboard. Max nodded and muttered "thank you" as she followed him out the office.

The walk down the hallway consisted of stolen looks and hushed whisperings, Max ignored them and walked with her head held high. Once her headteacher left, she quickly stuffed her skateboard in her locker and was about to grab her backpack, when it was whipped off her back. The contents of her bag were scattered all on the floor. "Oops" a voice sneered at her. She spun her head around, facing a young blonde girl, about Max's age. "Do you always have to pick on the new kids Brittany?" a voice said tiredly from behind her. Brittany stepped aside to reveal a tall raven haired boy. "Max?" the boy gasped, eyes widening. "Wheeler" Max addressed, as bluntly as she used to. "You two know each other?" Brittany asked, eyebrows raised. Mike was still staring at her so Max answered "yeah... we go a while back." Brittany's eyes turned to slits as she looked Max up and down. "Hmm" is all she said. "Well I'd better get to class" Brittany began, "but you always skip class?" a young girl with pigtails questioned. "Shut up Abigail!" Brittany hushed. Max bit back a laugh. The girls walked past Max, and were making their way down the hallway when Brittany turned around. "You coming Mike?" she asked. Mike looked at her and then back at Max. "I'll be there in a sec" he announced. Brittany clenched her jaw, staring at Max in the eye. In a huff she stalked down the remainder of the hallway.

"Jesus, Wheeler I never thought you'd be one for hanging out with the cheerleaders." Max joked, bending down to pick up her stuff. "Things change" Mike said vaguely, bending down to help her. "Yeah" Max whispered. "So is this the part where we touch hands?" Max joked again. Mike grinned at her "you haven't changed at all" he sized her up and down "well maybe a bit" he smirked. Max gagged, smacking him on the arm, "and you Wheeler have turned into a —" "choose your next words wisely Mayfield" Mike warned lightheartedly. There was something different between them. Four years ago, it would've been impossible to strike up a conversation with each other, but today they were actually talking, let alone bantering. Things really do change.

Max rolled her eyes at nearly all of his comments. "People are staring" she noticed. Mike shrugged "happens every time I'm around" Max scoffed "wow, it's not like you're high school royalty" Mike didn't reply. "Don't tell me you've become part of the jocks and shit?" she continued, shocked. "Well... I wouldn't call us that" Mike drawled. "Oh my god!" Max exclaimed. "That's so... so... weird?" she said to herself. Mike chuckled handing her a pen. "But what about the rest of the guys?" Max inquired. Mike's face hardened and she knew she accidentally hit a soft spot. "Find out for yourself Mayfield" he said in hurry, turning away from her. "You know Wheeler last time I left, you were still a dick to me, so I don't want us to leave on a bad note again!" Max called out after him, but the boy had left, leaving Max to the curious stares of the rest of the school.

So this is a new story, with new characters and stuff so I hope you guys enjoy! Don't worry the original party will be in this too! I just wanted to do an AU :)

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