Reunions happen.

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Mike and Max hadn't heard from the rest of the guys until the actual party. Where they all decided to show up. "They're here" Mike whispered to Max, a cigarette dangling out his mouth. Max sighed and prayed that the evening would go smoother, someone had already spilt punch on her sneakers and half the girls weren't even talking to her — they were either making out with guys on the couch, getting laid upstairs, or gawking at Mike, which made standing next to him all the more difficult. "For fuck's sake everyone keeps staring, its so dumb" Max had grumbled when Mike made his way over to her. He handed her a glass of punch. "This better not be spiked Wheeler" she joked. Mike raised his eyebrows "please I don't resort to spiking a lady's drink. I don't need to, they all want me already." Max gagged "you wish" she groaned. "Oh, I don't wish, I know" Mike replied gesturing to the eyes that were on them. Max turned away, hiding a smile on her lips.

"There you guys are!" Jane screamed, Max had only been there for 10 minutes and Jane was already gone. Turns out Hopper's strict parenting had an adverse effect on her, making her more out of control. Mike sighed and steered her away from the crowd placing her on a couch with Brett. He then weaved his way back to Max who was still standing on her own awkwardly. "I don't understand the point of her throwing a party, if she's not gonna be sober enough to enjoy it" Mike complained once he got back to Max's side. Max shrugged "well some people like it that way." Mike nodded. "Anyways I heard that you're quite the party animal, so why are you standing here with me?" Max asked. The taller boy glanced down at her, unsure of what to say. And it was then that they decided to show up.

Max held her breath excitedly. It had been so long since she had seen them. All of them together. Mike on the other hand, shifted closer to her, as if he were afraid. Max impulsively grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze. Mike was startled but latched onto her fingers as they gingerly made their way towards the group. "Hey" Max began with a wave, the boys all looked at her, and she stealthily dropped Mike's hand. "Max... it's been a while." Will started quietly. "Yeah, I ended up staying for more than just a few weeks" Max said laughing weakly. The boy smiled at her before looking at Mike. "Hi Mike." Mike didn't reply, causing Max to elbow him in the ribs. "Hey Will" he finally said, his voice hoarse. Max looked over to Dustin. "Dustin, hi" she greeted. Dustin flashed her a toothy grin. "How you been Mad —" Max's heart squeezed at her old nickname. She laughed again "it's okay Dustin you can still call me Madmax" the boy smiled nervously at her and nodded.

Max left Mike alone, despite his silent protesting, so he could make conversation with Will and Dustin. She decided to go to the punch bowl where Lucas was standing. "Stalker" she said, smiling widely. The boy turned quickly towards her, his punch splashing on the ground slightly. "Max" he breathed. His lips were parted slightly, and his eyes were wide until they shifted from Max to someone behind her. "Lucas!" Max turned around to face a small brunette. "Max uh... this is Henrietta, Henrietta this is Max, an old friend." Max felt her heart sink. Is that all she was? An old friend? Yeah middle school relationships weren't that serious, but still... "Hey Max, are you new?" the girl asked. "Yeah" she replied curtly brushing past the pair. "Max wait!" Lucas called after her, but Max didn't reply, she could feel her eyes begin to blur with water.

"Max?" a soft voice asked. Max looked up, to see a curious face. "Not now Will." Max brought her knees to her chest hugging them. Her head was aching with the thought of Lucas and also the fact that Mike had disappeared on her, probably making out somewhere with Jane. "Is it Henrietta?" Will asked suddenly. Max sniffled. "Who?" Will stuffed his hands in his pockets awkwardly. "Lucas' um..." Max turned away, she knew the answer. "I don't know what I expected. It's not like he's gonna be waiting for me after all these years, the kid has to move on some day" she ended with a bitter laugh. "Well you know, someone didn't move on" Dustin said from behind. Will and Max both turned to look at him. "It's what caused the stupid fallout in the first place." Max frowned. "What are you talking about Dustin?" The boys shared a look. "Nothing" he said quickly. "Dustin..." Max said getting up, but the boys decided to run away, getting lost in the party outside. "Dipshits" Max muttered, frustrated as she saw the crowd. She was feeling lightheaded and decided to find a room upstairs that wasn't occupied by a couple, grabbing a large cup of punch from the side.

She climbed the stairs, observing all the photos on the wall as she walked by. For someone who had a shady beginning Jane sure loved to keep memories. It made Max smile, seeing her have a normal, happy childhood. She wasn't Jane, high school royalty, in the photos she was El, a loving and caring friend. Max had to dodge a series of couples who were down each other's throats on the top of the stairs. Her heart pinched, as she was reminded of her own loneliness, as she was reminded of Lucas and bloody Henrietta. She took another swig at the cup of punch in her hand. The girl sighed, her head swimming, she slowly opened a door to the far right, praying there was no one inside.

"It's occupied" a voice slurred from the room. Max stepped in to see Mike guzzling down a bottle. "Mike?" The boy looked at her sharply and made his way towards her, stumbling slightly.

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