Realisations happen.

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The drive back was silent for about two hours until Mike had finally decided to speak up. "You okay?" he asked tentatively, looking over at Max. The girl had her body facing the window, her eyes closed, so Mike concentrated on the road instead, gripping the wheel tighter. His legs were crushed in Max's tiny car but he didn't mind, he just wanted to get the hell out of that creepy institute. He felt a yawn ripple through his whole body, which was aching from the adrenaline and the drive. "You can pull over, there's a diner not far from here." Max informed quietly, Mike nodded and steered the car off the road.

The two teens walked side by side, avoiding each other's gaze. Mike sighed, looking down at the gravelled pathway. "Why me?" he asked all of a sudden, stopping in his tracks. Max finally looked at him, her eyebrows creased in confusion. "Why me? Why did you bring me here with you? For your closure?" the boy continued genuinely. Max looked away, chewing her lip anxiously. "I-I actually don't know" she confessed. "I wasn't in the right frame of mind... and you'd just accused me of being all high and mighty an—" "which you are" Mike interjected. "Am not, you were just butthurt" Max shot back. Mike said nothing further, choosing to stare at the streetlights passing them. The pair grew silent, trudging towards the direction of the diner.

"We've been walking forever, where the hell is this place?" Mike growled, clenching his fist. Max glanced over at it. "Your knuckles are split" she said softly. Mike squirmed uncomfortably, shaking his hand loosely. Max reached out and took his hand in her own hands, inspecting his injuries. "You didn't need to go all hero, Mike" she muttered. The boy
froze. "You just called me Mike" he stated flatly. "Yeah?" Max questioned, unsure why he was bothered. "You've only called me that once before." Max frowned, not understanding his point. "Okay?" she chuckled nervously, dropping his hand. "When I kissed you." Mike reminded, in a whisper. Max's smile dropped, and her stomach fluttered wildly at the memory, she stepped back ever so slightly, afraid. Mike looked at her, she looked so fragile yet so beautiful, the light from the street shining on her face. He realised that he had been holding his breath, an effect Max had on him.

He slowly brought his injured hand back up, caressing his thumb over Max's cheek. Unsure. He had a broken look on his face. One that said when all of this is over, he still would be with Jane, he still would be the popular kid with shitty parents, the one who doesn't have the courage to face his former best friends.

And the one who still would not be able to kiss Maxine Mayfield.

haha i'm having a writers block and have 0 inspo for this story idk whether to continue D:

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