Mistakes happen.

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"You've grown up nicely by the way." Mike slurred, leaning sloppily against the bedpost. "That's... weird" Max grimaced, he reeked of alcohol. He had drunk so much that he was actually beginning to sway. "Jeez, Wheeler how much have you drunk?" Mike pouted. "I'm not drunk" he snorted. Max stepped away slightly "that's not what I said, and yeah you are." Mike frowned and began wiping his forehead, "I feel —" he was cut off by himself as he fell onto the bed, his head burying itself in the pillows. Max sighed and out of common courtesy helped his feet up, she was about to walk out, feeling sick of this party already, when Mike slurred her name again. "What?" she asked annoyed, coming back towards the bed. Mike smiled lazily at her "get the lights please?" Max rolled her eyes and leant downwards to get the lamp switch. He stirred and moved his face, it was inches from Max's. The two locked eyes, thick air filling the room. Mike reached a hand out and tucked a loose strand of Max's hair that had fallen onto her nose, tickling his own. "Pretty" he whispered.

Max was frozen, she could feel her heart in her throat, she didn't know what to do, why wasn't her body responding? Mike's hand was still on the back of her neck, from tucking her hair, it's warmth burning into Max's skin. He finally used that hand to push her face towards his, crushing their lips together. Now Max's body decided to respond, much to her common sense's annoyance. Her right hand cupped Mike's cheek as she pressed her lips further into his. Mike's hands moved quickly from her neck to her waist, pulling the girl on top of him. He moaned softly as he felt her hands in his hair, her fingers knotting themselves in his dark curls. His own hands trailed back up from Max's waist to her spine, until finally reaching her hair. In an 'eye for an eye' situation, Mike harshly grabbed a fistful of Max's red locks, causing her to bite down hard on his lips. Mike smiled as he parted their lips with his tongue, causing the girl to shiver in his arms. Mike tasted of butterscotch and cigarettes, a taste Max found herself wanting more of, as she deepened their kiss. She could feel her pulse beating rapidly, as the coolness of her sweat spread over her. Impulsively she yanked her hoodie off, revealing her cropped white t-shirt. "Wow." Mike gasped breathlessly, kissing her neck. Max closed her eyes, running her hands through his hair as he placed kisses along her collarbones. Mike bit down on her throat, causing Max's eyes to flutter open, she held back a moan as he slid a cool hand up her t-shirt, his thumb running circles on her warm stomach. "Mike..." she whispered. "Mhmm?" he replied through kisses on her chin. Max didn't know what she should say, what she could say. Max glossed her hands over his freckled face, the rumour was true: Michael Wheeler really was a heart throb, who knew that the boy she once knew would turn out like — Mike's hands now went downwards scattering all her thoughts. The boy began unbuttoning Max's jeans, when she froze.

"We shouldn't be doing this" she choked out, the harsh realization dawning on her. "Why?" Mike protested, slurring. "Because you're dating someone... and you're drunk." Max said truthfully. "But I still lik-k-ke you" the boy stuttered, gripping desperately onto Max's shoulders. Max went cold. Still? She decided to quash her curiosity and whispered "I'm sorry" as she began to move away.

She unstraddled herself from Mike and got up from the bed. Mike grabbed her wrist pleading her, his brown eyes glistening. Max turned away and closed her eyes. We've both had drinks. This was a mistake. A drunken mistake. "Please" Mike strained. Max gaped at him. Here was Michael Wheeler, practically begging her. A sight many girls would've killed for — a sight Jane would kill Max for, in a heartbeat, if she ever found out. The girl threw her off her skateboard for only talking to Mike... if she found out what they had just done... Max shook her head vigorously. "No. I'm sorry" she ended firmly. With that she stalked out the room, leaving Mike alone, still with the lights on and her hoodie on his lap. The boy stared at the space after Max as he licked his lips, savoring the remaining taste of her lips on them. He threw his head back against the pillows, his breathing shallow. And for the first time the 'party animal' waited for sleep to take over him, ignoring the muffled noises of the party below.

Max woke up, the sunlight streaming through her room. She groaned placing a pillow on her face, blocking it out. Her head was throbbing, and her throat was dry, she still marveled at how she managed to get home in one piece. She sighed and turned in her bed, when she felt a sting shoot up her neck. The girl groggily made her way out of the bed, towards her bathroom mirror. "What the fuck?" she mumbled, inspecting a red blotch on her neck. Her face went hot as she remembered the events of last night, as she remembered how Michael Wheeler bit down on her throat, causing her to — "Fuck!" she cried out. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" Max hung her head low, gripping onto the bathroom sink. She'd messed up. Messed up real bad.

But still, she couldn't get the memory out her head. She couldn't forget how Mike's hands felt as they greedily roamed her body, she couldn't forget how Mike's lips tasted as they hungrily pressed down deeper onto her own. Max let out a frustrated bark, and splashed her face with cold water, trying to calm her nerves. She was in such deep shit and she knew it. Yet there was something Mike had said to her that had shaken her to the core. Why did he say that? What did he mean by he still liked her? When did he start liking her? Max frowned to herself, and decided to answer all her questions with his drunken state. Mike was probably out of his mind not fully knowing what he was saying. Yeah... that's the reason. Max sighed tiredly and pulled a turtleneck over herself, hiding all traces of Michael Wheeler.

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