Planning happens.

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"Maxine?" A tall elderly woman answered. She had a long maroon dress on matched with small pearl earrings. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun which was placed directly in the middle of her scalp. The woman's stoic gaze left Max and decided to settle on the boy next to her. "And you are?" she asked, her sharp face lifted upwards questioningly. "Michael Wheeler" the boy croaked out, kicking himself as he saw Max bite back a smile out of the corner of his eye. The woman, however, didn't say anything further and turned on the balls of her feet, disappearing into the large hallway. Mike let out a shaky breath as Max snickered by his side. "Sheesh, even the chief would be scared of her" Mike noted causing Max to smile wider.

"She's our matron" Max informed as Mike started to move forwards. He had only travelled a few steps inwards when Max grabbed him by the arm, looping her own sternly in his. "You're not supposed to do that" she hissed quietly. "Do what?" Mike asked with feigned innocence. "Walk about like that!" Max said pointing. The boy smirked deviously at her before proceeding to walk towards the large paintings hung on the left wall, inspecting them dramatically. Max threw her head back in frustration and trudged slowly behind him, her arm still linked limply with his. "Mike..." she began but quickly shut her mouth as the sound of heels clicking on the floorboards was heard. The matron, as Max had informed, reappeared again, this time carrying a stack of papers in her arms.

"Are you here for reinduction?" she asked, her voice sending chills down Max's spine. Too many bad memories were connected with that voice... Max cleared her throat and withdrew her arm from Mike's. "No, Madam Edna... I just you know... decided to drop by since we were passing the neighbourhood" Mike looked over at Max, who was busy keeping every nerve in her body calm. The woman, now known as Madam Edna, leered suspiciously at Mike, looking him up and down, as if trying to work something out. "Who are you to Maxine?" she asked, a threat behind in her question. "My cousin" Max said quickly. "— From Sweden!" Mike added, joining in with the lie. He chuckled inwardly as he remembered lying for El. Jane. He corrected himself yet again. "You don't have an accent." Madam Edna noted. "That's because he moved here when he was small... so he lost it" Mike stared at Max, marvelling silently at how easily she was able to lie. "I see" is all the woman replied. "Well your work here is done, so you should be off to your merry way" she added, a dark look on her face. "Of course" Max said with fake sweetness, casting a wide smile in her direction as she motioned Mike to follow her.

"Is that it? Is that your closure?" Mike asked, once they reached the spot where their car was parked. Max snorted loudly and shook her head. "Of course not idiot, do you think Madam Edna would let us stroll in? Did she strike you as that kind of person?" Mike looked at the sky and sighed "no." Max grinned and clapped her hands together. "Well then! We get closure tonight" she informed with glee. Mike tore his gaze away from the clouds and back at Max, who he thought for one split second was just as breathtaking — if not more. "And what's your idea of closure?" he asked wearily, not sure why he was even here or even going along with her plan.  Max smiled again. "Sneaking in!"

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