Misunderstandings happen.

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"You bitch" Max sighed. When will this day be over? Max was getting ready for her last lesson when she was approached by Brittany. "What?" Max asked wearily. "Come to push my bag off again?" The other girl stormed towards her. "I'm going to be doing more than that! What the fuck did you tell Jane about me?" Max scrunched her face. "I don't even know you, what possibly could I tell Jane about you?" The girl's face twisted. "Did you tell her I liked Mike?" Max opened her mouth to reply when she saw Brittany double over in pain. "Holy shit, are you okay?" she asked dropping to her knees towards the girl. "Fuck" the girl said through her teeth. She got up quickly and scuttled away to the nurses's office. Max frowned, and turned to face Jane. The girl waved at her "there you are Max!" she said threading her arm through Max's. "I was looking all over for you!" Something felt weird. "Would you help me plan my party for next week? I need help with invites and stuff." Max screamed inwardly, she hated that kind of crap. "Sure, what's next week?" she said slowly, not interested. "It's just a normal party." Max nodded "ah I see." She didn't know where she was going with Jane, and still had to grab her folders out of her locker.

They made their way across the playing field to the bleachers. There were the teens she'd spent lunch with and Mike, who was smoking. Jane grimaced when approaching. "Mike how many times have I told you I don't like smoking, it smells gross" she said. Mike looked embarrassed but continued. Jane turned to Max "I made Hop quit as well!" she exclaimed, her face beaming with pride. "That's uh nice, maybe you could help me too" Max joked. "You smoke too?" Mike suddenly said, leaning forwards. "Yeah... stress" Max explained truthfully. Mike ran a hand through his hair, causing Max's stomach to drop to her knees — that was new. "And I thought I was the only one, nice to know I'm not alone" he said smiling. "That's not something to be happy about Mike!" Jane chastised. Mike's smile dropped and he threw his cigarette to the ground, stubbing it out. "Good" Jane said, "anyways I came here to tell you guys that I'm going to get party supplies so if anyone wants to come with just let me know." Bryce stepped forward "sure we'll all come" he slung an arm around Jane's shoulders. The others agreed following Jane, towards the exit. "You coming Max?" Max smiled awkwardly "I actually have to finish getting stuff from my locker so..." she trailed off jabbing a thumb in the building's direction. Jane nodded "Mike usually hates doing this" she added. That makes two of us Max thought. She watched as Jane turned to the rest of the group, who walked away busily discussing the plans for the party.

"So you want a drag?" Mike asked, when the two were alone. Max spun around, and saw Mike had lit up another cigarette and was now pointing it in her direction. Max never passed up an opportunity for a free smoke. "Sure" she replied, taking the cigarette from his hand. The tips of their fingers slightly touched each other, causing a jolt to run through them both. "Shoot, electric shock" Max chuckled nervously. "It's fine." Mike replied smiling.

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